The Top 500 NES Homebrews, Vol. 3
27 years after the last licensed release for the Nintendo Entertainment System, NES games still come out regularly. This listing curates and ranks 707 NES “homebrews.”
{Note: RETRO subscribers can access earlier editions of the Top 500 NES homebrew rankings here and here. Full subscribers gain access to all of RETRO, including national polling–driven articles like The Definitive Top 100 Worst NES Games, The Definitive Top 100 Hardest NES Games, The Definitive Top 100 Best Video Game Consoles, The Definitive Top 100 Best NES Games Never Released in America, The Consensus Top 100 NES Games, The Consensus Top 100 Underrated NES Games, and The Top 100 Unreleased NES Games. You can subscribe to RETRO by clicking the button below. The cost is just $5/month, and you can cancel anytime.}
RETRO subscribers can find the Introduction, Methodology, and Eligibility sections of this ranking here.
Please note that a ranking of anything is by definition subjective, if only because every ranking has a creator behind it who has determined what will be measured and how. I’ve taught video games as a professor at a large research university; been a videogame journalist for years; and been a professional cultural critic for a decade, but none of this ensures that you’ll agree with my judgments or that they’re “objectively” correct.
Information on my background as a video game journalist, an academic specializing in digital culture, and a professional cultural critic can be found at this link.
Changes in This Edition of the Ranking
New additions to this third edition of the RETRO Top 500 NES Homebrews include the following:
The addition of 100+ new NES homebrews;
the continued updating of developer and studio credits to ensure accuracy;
the inclusion of a Complete-in-Box section for each genre ranking, letting viewers know which games have been produced as a full physical product (note that this does not ensure that the game in question is currently in stock and available for sale);
the amendment of the Card section to constitute a Card / Game category;
the amendment of the Zapper section to constitute a Zapper / FPS (First-Person Shooter) category;
the inclusion of a Multicart genre section (featuring carts that contain multiple discrete games by a single developer);
the inclusion of a Simulation genre section;
the inclusion of a Kids genre section (devoted to NES homebrews that have been especially designed for the very youngest gamers); and
the inclusion of an Awards section to acknowledge the best games in various categories (e.g., Best Graphics, Best Song, Best Sound, and Best Writing).
In the ranking below, homebrews new to the RETRO Top 500 are marked with a “🔹”. Games with a change in rank due to a re-evaluation—or the first play-through of the full version of a game, if it was previously ranked as a demo—are marked with a “🔸”. Any game with a “🔫” notation in its entry requires an NES Zapper to play properly.
The notation “DCU” following a game’s title means “developer currently unknown.”
Some Other RETRO Rankings
As ever, you can find RETRO’s ranking of localized NES titles here, and its ranking of unreleased NES games from the 1980s and 1990s here. The Consensus Top 100 NES Games are here, while the Consensus Top 100 Underrated NES Games list is here.
Total Homebrew Library Size
This archive now lists 707 playable NES homebrews, making it the largest archive of its kind anywhere.
This total includes 471 ranked games, 12 honorable mention games, 61 “red-pinned” games (see the Some Other Reviewed Games section of the rankings), 121 “no-pin” games (games that RETRO assessed but declined to rank), and 41 “watchlisted” NES homebrews. At least a dozen more homebrews usually appear in the to-be-reviewed category; these games are counted toward the library total only after their assessment.
Of the homebrews in this article, 194 are available as complete-in-box titles (“🎴”).
Note that 35 multiplayer games appear twice—but aren’t counted twice—in these rankings, as they receive a listing in both their genre and the Multiplayer category.
Review Copies
Studios or developers looking to send review copies to RETRO can arrange to do so here. The curator of the RETRO ranking owns a retroUSB AVS, and can receive new NES games as CIB, cartridge-only, digital ROM, or any combination of these forms.
If you have a link to your NES homebrew game that you’d prefer RETRO use over the one that’s been used below, use the contact form linked to above to request a change.
Table of Contents
Games are ranked (🔰) by genre, with honorable mentions (🔘) following each ranking.
Use “Ctrl+F” and the italicized phrases below to find the following ranking sections:
Action-Adventure Games (71 games)
Action-Adventure Rankings
Adventure Games (38 games)
Adventure Game Rankings
Arcade Games (80 games)
Arcade Game Rankings
Art Games (4 games)
Art Game Rankings
Card / Dice Games (4 games)
Card / Dice Rankings
Fighting / Brawler Games (24 games)
Fighting / Brawler Rankings
Kids Games (1 game)
Kids Game Rankings
Multicart Games (2 games)
Multicart Rankings
Music / Rhythm Games (22 games)
Music / Rhythm Rankings
Party Games (8 games)
Party Game Rankings
Platformer Games (62 games)
Platformer Rankings
Puzzle Games (42 games)
Puzzle Game Rankings
Role-Playing Games (27 games)
RPG Rankings
Shooter / Run n’ Gun Games (48 games)
Shooter / Run n’ Gun Rankings
Simulation Games (7 games)
Simulation Game Rankings
Sports / Racing Games (18 games)
Sports / Racing Game Rankings
Strategy Games (8 games)
Strategy Game Rankings
Zapper / FPS Games (4 games)
Zapper / FPS Rankings
Multiplayer Games (35 games)
Multiplayer Rankings
Best Music
Best Song
Best Sound
Best Writing
Special Citations (1 game)
Kubo 3
The Overall Top 10 (13 games)
Reviews and Gameplay Videos
Additional Information
Some Other Reviewed Games
Games To Be Reviewed
The RETRO Homebrew Watchlist
Special Thanks
Action-Adventure Rankings
🔰 #1 | Dungeons & Doomknights, Artix (^)
🔰 #2 | Alfonzo’s Arctic Adventure, SBP (^)
🔰 #3 | Little Medusa, Mega Cat (^)
🔰 #4 | Trouble at 2A03, Team Disposable (^)🔹
🔰 #5 | Alwa’s Awakening, Elden Pixels (^)
🔰 #6 | L’Abbaye des Morts, Parisoft (^)
🔰 #7 | Nix: The Paradox Relic, Huddleston (^)
🔰 #8 | Jim Power: Lost Dimension, Piko (^)
🔰 #9 | Trophy, Gradual Games (^)
🔰 #10 | Battle Kid 2, retroUSB (^)
🔰 #11 | Super Bat Puncher, Morphcat (^)
🔰 #12 | The Great Gatsby, Hoey (^)🔹
🔰 #13 | Wolfling, Lazy Cow (^)
🔰 #14 | Orebody, Vanderhoef (^)
🔰 #15 | Space Raft, Raftronaut (^)
🔰 #16 | Eyra, Second Dimension (^)
🔰 #17 | Cheril’s Nightmares, Mojon Twins (^)
🔰 #18 | Mark of the Beast, Red Moon (^)
🔰 #19 | Battle Kid, retroUSB (^)
🔰 #20 | Adventures of Panzer, Pixelcraft (^)🔸
🔰 #21 | Biocats, PB Games (^)
🔰 #22 | Saturdayman, Sunday Pistols (^)
🔰 #23 | Indivisible, Kasumi (^)°°
🔰 #24 | Spacegulls, Morphcat (^)
🔰 #25 | Nin Nin, Mojon Twins (^)
🔰 #26 | Cheril the Writer, Mojon Twins (^)
🔰 #27 | Glider, retroUSB (^)
🔰 #28 | More Glider, retroUSB (^)
🔰 #29 | Cheril the Goddess, Mojon Twins (^)
🔰 #30 | Yun, Mojon Twins (^)
🔰 #31 | Vigilante Ninja II, Fraker (^)
🔰 #32 | Tower of Turmoil, CutterCross (^)
🔰 #33 | Bootèe, Mojon Twins (^)
🔰 #34 | Nomolos, Gradual Games (^)🔸
🔰 #35 | Jet-Paco, Mojon Twins (^)
🔰 #36 | Center of the Alien, Mojon Twins (^)
🔰 #37 | Che-Man, Mojon Twins (^)
🔰 #38 | Ralph 4, Pubby (^)
🔰 #39 | Filthy Kitchen, Dust Mop (^)
🔰 #40 | Machine Cave, Aeromangus (^)
🔰 #41 | Rainbow Brite, Pixelheart (^)
🔰 #42 | Streemerz, Faux Games (^)
🔰 #43 | The Banketh, RetroNES Games (^)
🔰 #44 | Nova the Squirrel, Nova Squirrel (^)
🔰 #45 | The Stranger, FG Software (^)
🔰 #46 | Almika: Star Rider, Mouse Spirit (^)
🔰 #47 | Silver Island, Digit 2600 (^)
🔰 #48 | Lala the Magical, Mojon Twins (^)
🔰 #49 | Antenna Antics, FG Software (^)🔹
🔰 #50 | Espitene, Mojon Twins (^)°
🔰 #51 | Mawthorne, CrazyGroupTrio (^)🔹
🔰 #52 | Sir Abadol, Mojon Twins (^)
🔰 #53 | Mad Wizard, Sly Dog (^)
🔰 #54 | The Wizard, RetroAge (^)°°°
🔰 #55 | Press Start, Coop (^)🔹
🔰 #56 | Wo Xiang Niao Niao, Mojon Twins (^)
🔰 #57 | Micro Knight IV, Siudym (^)
🔰 #58 | Claudia Adventure, Voltopt (^)
🔰 #59 | Banana Nana DX, Riecke & Bétoux (^)
🔰 #60 | Veggie Invaders, Dustmop (^)🔸
🔰 #61 | Ploid, Nape Games (^)
🔰 #62 | Adventures of Eldorin, Outlaw Bits (^)
🔰 #63 | Project Kunoichi, GX ‘79 (^)
🔰 #64 | Raz Adventure, Axbakk (^)
🔰 #65 | Nezumi, Pereira (^)
🔰 #66 | Rick Starfield, Nietfeld (^)
🔰 #67 | Bogen, Foerg & Harrell (^)
🔰 #68 | Game Gyaru EX, CrazyGroupTrio (^)🔹
🔰 #69 | Micro Knight: Revenge of the Foul Skulls, Siudym (^)
🔰 #70 | Waddles the Duck, CPP (^)
🔰 #71 | Love Story, Livak (^)
🔰 #72 | Purple Cape Man, Fraker (^)
🔘 | Cur Manor, Manjiro (^)🔹
🔘 | Dummy Duck 7, Caudel (^)
🔘 | NES Quest, CF207 (^)🔹
🎴 | The Adventures of Panzer
🎴 | Alfonzo’s Arctic Adventure
🎴 | Alwa’s Awakening
🎴 | Battle Kid: Fortress of Peril
🎴 | Battle Kid 2: Mountain of Torment
🎴 | Candelabra: The Mad Wizard
🎴 | Dungeons & Doomknights
🎴 | Eyra the Crow Maiden
🎴 | Glider
🎴 | Jet-Paco: Hyper Special Space Agent
🎴 | Jim Power: Lost Dimension
🎴 | L’Abbaye des Morts
🎴 | Little Medusa
🎴 | Machine Cave
🎴 | Mawthorne
🎴 | More Glider
🎴 | Nix: The Paradox Relic
🎴 | Nomolos: Storming the Catsle
🎴 | Ploid
🎴 | Rainbow Brite: Journey to Rainbow Land
🎴 | Sir Abadol
🎴 | Space Raft
🎴 | Super Bat Puncher
🎴 | Tower of Turmoil
🎴 | Trophy
° Not to be confused with Espitenen & Mr. Pimponen, an excellent 2019 game by The Mojon Twins that is ranked in the RETRO Top 500’s Platformer section, below.
°° This game is an unlicensed demake of a game by Lab Zero Games and 505 Games.
°°° This game’s final boss hasn’t yet been coded, leaving the work without an ending.
Adventure Game Rankings
🔰 #1 | MOMOC, Goaterby (^)
🔰 #2 | Böbl, Morphcat (^)
🔰 #3 | The Magnilo Case, Dalyen Retro (^)
🔰 #4 | Lizard, Rainwarrior (^)
🔰 #5 | Cave Driller, Mazin (^)
🔰 #6 | Blob Quest, Livak (^)
🔰 #7 | NEScape!, KHAN (^)
🔰 #8 | Dead Tomb, Limited Run Games (^)🔸
🔰 #9 | Kazik & the Mysterious Temple, Siudym (^)🔹
🔰 #10 | Sweetleaf, Cramer/Marcel (^)🔹
🔰 #11 | Turtle Rescue DX, Turtle Rescue (^)
🔰 #12 | Squirrel Chaser, Hammond (^)
🔰 #13 | What Remains, Iodine Dynamics (^)
🔰 #14 | Temple Dilemma, Chacon (^)
🔰 #15 | Harry Dwarf, Convoy Avenger (^)
🔰 #16 | Zdey the Game, Art’cade (^)
🔰 #17 | Escape From Flooded Cave, Voxel (^)🔹
🔰 #18 | Star Evil, Pubby (^)
🔰 #19 | Cowlitz Gamers’ Adventure, Kur (^)
🔰 #20 | Wampus DX, Vanderhoef (^)
🔰 #21 | Retropia, Scardua (^)🔹
🔰 #22 | Closing In, CPP (^)🔹
🔰 #23 | Kubo 3, Seiji / SJ Games (^)🔸
🔰 #24 | Demon District, Klonoa (^)🔹
🔰 #25 | Mega Ari, Little Limit (^)🔸
🔰 #26 | Dream Dog Dilemma, CPP (^)🔹
🔰 #27 | Sparkle Panda Rainbow Hunter, FutuRETROistic (^)
🔰 #28 | Through Dimensions, CPP (^)🔹
🔰 #29 | Haunted House, Stacy (^)
🔰 #30 | Depths, Parker (^)
🔰 #31 | Sack of Flour, Heart of Gold, CMU (^)
🔰 #32 | Larry & the Long Look for a Luscious Lover, KHAN Games (^)
🔰 #33 | Bustina, Holmade Games (^)
🔰 #34 | Office Hero, Francoeur (^)
🔰 #35 | Shadow: An Adventure in Monochrome, Red Herring (^)
🔰 #36 | Platformer Text Adventure, Paltridge (^)🔹
🔰 #37 | Sneak n’ Peek, KHAN Games (^)🔹
🔰 #38 | E.T., KHAN Games (^)🔹
🔘 The Prying Eye, CutterCross (^)
🎴 | The Cowlitz Gamers’ Adventure
🎴 | Dead Tomb
🎴 | E.T.: The Extraterrestrial
🎴 | Kubo 3
🎴 | Larry & the Long Look for a Luscious Lover
🎴 | Lizard
🎴 | The Magnilo Case
🎴 | NEScape!
🎴 | Sneak n’ Peak
🎴 | Temple Dilemma
🎴 | What Remains
Arcade Game Rankings
🔰 #1 | Sparky, Most (^)
🔰 #2 | Assimilate, Nessylum Games (^)
🔰 #3 | XenoCreeps, Ehlers (^)
🔰 #4 | Fire and Rescue, Skyboy Games (^)
🔰 #5 | Kira Kira Star Night DX, RIKI (^)
🔰 #6 | Yeah Yeah Beebis II, Mega Cat (^)
🔰 #7 | Super Painter, Retrosouls (^)
🔰 #8 | Zooming Secretary, Shiru (^)
🔰 #9 | Blazing Rangers, Karu_gamo (^)
🔰 #10 | Cue, Most (^)
🔰 #11 | Eskimo Bob, SBP (^)🔸
🔰 #12 | Neo Heiankyo Alien, Columbus Cir. (^)🔸
🔰 #13 | Altercation, Scott (^)🔹
🔰 #14 | Paws N’ Play, Darthlother (^)
🔰 #15 | Get ’em Gary, Second Dimension (^)
🔰 #16 | Wart Worm Wingding, Vanderhoef (^)
🔰 #17 | Super NeSnake 2, retroUSB (^)
🔰 #18 | Jammin’ Honey, Fraker (^)
🔰 #19 | Sinking Feeling, Mega Cat (^)🔸
🔰 #20 | Plummet Challenge, Fista Games (^)
🔰 #21 | The Cell, Most (^)
🔰 #22 | Blob Land, Scardua (^)🔹
🔰 #23 | Spacewalk 3030, Cramer (^)
🔰 #24 | Beer Slinger, Second Dimension (^)
🔰 #25 | Perfect Pair, Second Dimension (^)
🔰 #26 | Heather the Beheader, Pewko (^)🔹
🔰 #27 | Rooms, Manjiro (^)
🔰 #28 | The Grind, RNG (^)🔹
🔰 #29 | Mooooo!, Toscani (^)
🔰 #30 | Get It!, Gravel Studios (^)
🔰 #31 | NES Virus Cleaner, Sly Dog (^)
🔰 #32 | Blow Em’ Out, Second Dimension (^)
🔰 #33 | Alley Bat, FG Software (^)🔹
🔰 #34 | Lawn Mower, Shiru (^)
🔰 #35 | Turtle Party, Sherman (^)🔹
🔰 #36 | Fox Hunt, Tolerant X (^)
🔰 #37 | Carpet Shark, Fista Games (^)
🔰 #38 | Ouroboros, Scardua (^)🔹
🔰 #39 | Split Second, Hyatt (^)
🔰 #40 | Robo-Ninja Climb, Bite the Chili (^)
🔰 #41 | Immunatio, Romek RJM (^)🔹
🔰 #42 | Ball n’ Flag, Barasc (^)
🔰 #43 | Germ Squashers, 8bit Evolution (^)
🔰 #44 | Hitting Mice, Alien Tech (^)🔹
🔰 #45 | The Archer, Nice Code (^)🔹
🔰 #46 | Ninja I & II, Elisondo (^)
🔰 #47 | Arkade Rush, Tolbert (^)🔹
🔰 #48 | Tesla vs. Edison, RadTek (^)
🔰 #49 | Corpse, Mojon Twins (^)🔹
🔰 #50 | Crap Job, Oniric (^)
🔰 #51 | Wacko, Most (^)🔹
🔰 #52 | Pixel Poops: No. 2, Techmaster (^)
🔰 #53 | Wrecking Balls, Rahsennor (^)
🔰 #54 | Bovinium Quest, Grey Badge (^)
🔰 #55 | Stay Safe, Freizeitstaette (^)🔹
🔰 #56 | Eelectric, Scardua (^)🔹
🔰 #57 | Protector, Khopa (^)🔹
🔰 #58 | Megazame, Yan (^)🔹
🔰 #59 | Diablobetes, Addolorato / Pewko (^)
🔰 #60 | ConTroll, Scardua (^)🔹
🔰 #61 | Lost Souls, Red Moon (^)
🔰 #62 | Just Another Maze Game, Siudym (^)
🔰 #63 | CoOperating System, Mihoshi (^)
🔰 #64 | Flappy Jack, Fraker (^)
🔰 #65 | Tortoises, FG Software (^)
🔰 #66 | Intergalactic, Lembcke (^)
🔰 #67 | Box Boy, Tew (^)
🔰 #68 | Forehead Block Guy, Hoffman (^)
🔰 #69 | Ultimate Frogger Champion, KHAN Games (^)🔸
🔰 #70 | Farming Mushrooms in Lowas, Scardua (^)🔹
🔰 #71 | Galaxy Patrol, Bumbershoot (^)🔸
🔰 #72 | Gruniożerca, Kur & Brzukała (^)
🔰 #73 | Brick Breaker, Correa (^)°
🔰 #74 | Pindable Crystal Ball, Nice Code (^)
🔰 #75 | Escapeway, Nice Code (^)
🔰 #76 | Spring World, Nice Code (^)
🔰 #77 | Debris Dodger, Sly Dog (^)🔹
🔰 #78 | Paramedic, Redeye Hunter (^)
🔰 #79 | Crypto, Mercan & Yeni (^)
🔰 #80 | True Alien, Captain Dreamcast (^)🔹
🔘 Angry Birds, DCU (^)
🔘 Chu Chu Rocket, Dwedit (^)
🎴 | Assimilate
🎴 | Beer Slinger
🎴 | Blazing Rangers
🎴 | Blow Em’ Out
🎴 | Bovinium Quest
🎴 | Carpet Shark
🎴 | Eskimo Bob (Starring Alfonzo)
🎴 | Fire and Rescue
🎴 | Germ Squashers
🎴 | Get ’em Gary
🎴 | The Grind
🎴 | Kira Kira Star Night DX
🎴 | Lawn Mower
🎴 | Neo Heiankyo Alien°°
🎴 | NES Virus Cleaner
🎴 | Ninja I & II
🎴 | Perfect Pair
🎴 | Plummet Challenge
🎴 | Super Painter
🎴 | Tortoises
🎴 | Ultimate Frogger Champion
🎴 | Yeah Yeah Beebis II
° Also known as Mini Brix Battle.
°° Available in FamiCom edition only.
Art Game Rankings
🔰 #1 | CrossPaint, CutterCross (^)
🔰 #2 | Mess Maker, INUT (^)
🔰 #3 | Turtle Paint, Sherman (^)
🔰 #4 | Power Coloring, Parker / retroUSB (^)
🎴 | Power Coloring
🎴 | Turtle Paint
Card / Dice Rankings
🔰 #1 | Donsol, Rek & Devine (^)
🔰 #2 | Euchre, Fraker (^)
🔰 #3 | Yacht, Scardua (^)
🔰 #4 | Concentration Room, Yerrick (^)
° Tailgate Party is a bean bag–throwing party game that uses the NES Power Pad.
Fighting / Brawler Rankings
🔰 #1 | Haunted (‘86), Retrotainment (^)
🔰 #2 | Almost Hero, Mega Cat (^)
🔰 #3 | Jay & Silent Bob: Mall Brawl, SBP (^)
🔰 #4 | Haunted (‘85), Retrotainment (^)
🔰 #5 | Weed N’ Stiff 2, CalGames (^)🔹
🔰 #6 | City Trouble, Walter (^)🔸
🔰 #7 | Justice Duel, Mega Cat (^)
🔰 #8 | Super Homebrew War, Bite the Chili (^)
🔰 #9 | Alfonzo Melee, SBP (^)
🔰 #10 | Leggite Luta Livre, Vanderhoef (^)
🔰 #11 | Street Fighter II, Parisoft (^)🔹
🔰 #12 | Fight of the Phoenix, Lother (^)
🔰 #13 | Dimension Shift, Mugi (^)
🔰 #14 | Ashen House, CrazyGroupTrio (^)
🔰 #15 | Super Tilt Bro., Gadrat (^)
🔰 #16 | Oink n’ Boink, James (^)🔹
🔰 #17 | Young Oscar-San, ORart Games (^)🔹
🔰 #18 | Light Shields, Zutano (^)
🔰 #19 | K.Y.F.F., Sly Dog (^)
🔰 #20 | Karate Kick, Moffitt (^)
🔰 #21 | Breakfast of Champions, Francoeur (^)
🔰 #22 | Chumlee’s Adventure, GSPawn (^)
🔰 #23 | ROB.N, Seiji / SJ Games (^)🔹
🔰 #24 | Bushido Bomb, Sleeping Burrito (^)
🎴 | Almost Hero
🎴 | Chumlee’s Adventure: The Quest for Pinky
🎴 | City Trouble
🎴 | Haunted: Halloween ‘85
🎴 | Haunted: Halloween ‘86
🎴 | Jay & Silent Bob: Mall Brawl
🎴 | Justice Duel
🎴 | K.Y.F.F.
🎴 | Weed N’ Stiff 2: Bobson’s Revenge
Kids Game Rankings
🔰 #1 | Maile Penguin’s Christmas Adventure, Karikas (^)
Multicart Rankings
🔰 #1 | Mojonian Tales, Mojon Twins (^)
🔰 #2 | Perkele, Donkey Games (^)°
🎴 | Mojonian Tales°°
🎴 | Perkele
° One of the three NES homebrews on the Perkele cart, Winter War, can be—but need not be—played using an NES Zapper (🔫).
°° Contains “20+” Mojon Twins games, including all of those listed in this ranking.
Music / Rhythm Rankings
🔰 #1 | D-Pad Hero II, Hansen & Pedersen (^)
🔰 #2 | D-Pad Hero, Hansen & Pedersen (^)
🔰 #3 | 8-Bit Music Power Final, RIKI (^)
🔰 #4 | 8-Bit Music Power, RIKI (^)
🔰 #5 | 8-Bit Rhythm Land, Columbus Cir. (^)
🔰 #6 | TRACK+FEEL II, PT!H! (^)°🔹
🔰 #7 | Hyperbeatz, Mystical Wheelbarrow (^)
🔰 #8 | Hot Dance 2020, Adrian Makes (^)
🔰 #9 | Aerobot, Spirit Mouse (^)🔹
🔰 #10 | Moon8, Rainwarrior (^)
🔰 #11 | Goofy Foot, Swedish Columbia (^)
🔰 #12 | Polygondwanaland, 5Seven (^)🔹
🔰 #13 | A Hole New World, Pellicer (^)🔹
🔰 #14 | Utaco, Zurashu (^)°°
🔰 #15 | Creeping It Real, Mega Cat (^)
🔰 #16 | A Winner Is You, Elisondo (^)
🔰 #17 | RNDM NES Album, Mega Ran (^)
🔰 #18 | Turquoise Palace, Morphcat (^)
🔰 #19 | 2A03 Puritans, BitPuritans/Smith (^)🔹
🔰 #20 | Teletime: Animalstyle, Mariano (^)
🔰 #21 | Raddio, Scardua (^)
🔰 #22 | Journey, NintendoAge (^)🔹
🎴 | 8-Bit Music Power
🎴 | 8-Bit Music Power Final
🎴 | A Hole New World
🎴 | A Winner Is You
🎴 | Creeping It Real
🎴 | Goofy Foot: Power Chiptunes
🎴 | Journey
🎴 | Polygondwanaland
🎴 | RNDM NES Album
🎴 | Teletime: Animalstyle
° This game is optimized for use with the Power Pad, but can be played without it.
°° A karaoke game requiring use of a FamiCom Microphone in the second NES port.
Party Game Rankings
🔰 #1 | Billionaire Banshee, Mega Cat (^)
🔰 #2 | Leak or Die, Fleity (^)
🔰 #3 | Tailgate Party, Orab Games (^)
🔰 #4 | Expedition, Mega Cat (^)
🔰 #5 | MilioNESy, Denine (^)
🔰 #6 | Quadralords, retroUSB (^)
🔰 #7 | Spacey McRacey, Bite the Chili (^)
🔰 #8 | HappyNESs, Scardua (^)🔹
🎴 | Billionaire Banshee
🎴 | Expedition
🎴 | Quadralords
🎴 | Tailgate Party
Platformer Rankings
🔰 #1 | Micro Mages, Morphcat (^)
🔰 #2 | Flea!, Lowtek Games (^)
🔰 #3 | Nebs ’n Debs, Dullahan Software (^)
🔰 #4 | Project Blue, Phillips/FrankenGraphics (^)
🔰 #5 | Basse Def Adventures, Broke Studio (^)
🔰 #6 | Cowlitz’s 2nd Adventure, Kur/M-Tee (^)
🔰 #7 | Twin Dragons, Broke Studio (^)
🔰 #8 | The Void, Behr / LCM Games (^)🔹
🔰 #9 | Cowlitz’s Lost Adventure, Kur/M-Tee (^)🔹
🔰 #10 | Wolf Spirit, Salgueiro (^)
🔰 #11 | Rollie, Optovania (^)
🔰 #12 | Espitenen & Mr. Pimponen, Mojon Twins (^)°
🔰 #13 | Shera and the 40 Thieves, CGT (^)
🔰 #14 | Ghoul Grind, WoogWorx (^)🔸
🔰 #15 | Slow Mole, Rosenlund (^)
🔰 #16 | Assault on Planet Beezlbub, T-Bone 1 (^)🔹
🔰 #17 | Pinky, Axbakk Games (^)🔸
🔰 #18 | Nessy! The NES Robot, DTG (^)
🔰 #19 | Super Uwol, Mojon Twins (^)
🔰 #20 | Doodle World, Peters (^)
🔰 #21 | Pinky Xmas, Axbakk (^)🔹
🔰 #22 | Nim & Nom, Krill (^)
🔰 #23 | Battery Chad, Formula Fanboy (^)
🔰 #24 | Nalleland, Nallebeorn (^)
🔰 #25 | Mutant Sewer Girls, Boring Kate (^)🔹
🔰 #26 | Blickel, Vintro Studios (^)🔹
🔰 #27 | Enormous Adventures, Game Losers (^)🔹
🔰 #28 | Bowels of the Beast, T-Bone 1 (^)🔸
🔰 #29 | Copter Bot, Cramer (^)🔹
🔰 #30 | Mineshaft, Nioreh (^)
🔰 #31 | Inversion, Kur / Red Moon (^)
🔰 #32 | Moonglow, Yurt Fiend (^)🔹
🔰 #33 | Study Hall, KHAN (^)🔸
🔰 #34 | 8Bit Xmas: Study Hall 2, retroUSB (^)🔸
🔰 #35 | Underground Adventure, Coop (^)
🔰 #36 | Pogo Cats, Yggi (^)
🔰 #37 | Driar, Adolfsson & Eriksson (^)🔸
🔰 #38 | Platycat, Logana (^)
🔰 #39 | Super Adventure Jih, Lira (^)🔹
🔰 #40 | Duckstroma, AB Ultra Narwhal (^)
🔰 #41 | Shadow of the Lemming, Siudym (^)
🔰 #42 | Frog, Boston Breams (^)
🔰 #43 | Blobert, Mystical Wheelbarrow (^)
🔰 #44 | I Wanna Flip the Sky, Livak (^)
🔰 #45 | Chicken of the Farm, Link / Mitch (^)
🔰 #46 | Falling, Tragic Muffin (^)
🔰 #47 | Exit Loop, The Mad Cete (^)
🔰 #48 | Marble Run, Haarahiltunen (^)
🔰 #49 | 8Bit Xmas: 12 Seconds, retroUSB (^)
🔰 #50 | Grave Adventure, Plude (^)
🔰 #51 | Christmasland, CalGames (^)
🔰 #52 | Mega Mountain, Adrian Makes Games (^)
🔰 #53 | Arlington Apple, Team Disposable (^)🔹
🔰 #54 | Kid Funky, Kool Doob (^)
🔰 #55 | Randy vs. the Aliens, Orangebox (^)🔹
🔰 #56 | No Name, Daylen Retro (^)🔹
🔰 #57 | Santa’s Magical Christmas Sleigh, RetroPlayer (^)
🔰 #58 | Forest Adventure, Nice Code (^)
🔰 #59 | Treat Sweep on Creep Street, Kosters (^)🔹
🔰 #60 | Dragon Leap, Crisafulli (^)
🔰 #61 | Down the Hole, Castimier (^)🔹
🔰 #62 | Tiger Jenny, Ludosity (^)°°🔸
🔰 #63 | You Are Insignificant, Team Disposable (^)🔹
🎴 | 8Bit Xmas 2015: 12 Seconds
🎴 | 8Bit Xmas 2019: Study Hall 2
🎴 | Basse Def Adventures
🎴 | The Cowlitz Gamers’ Second Adventure
🎴 | Doodle World
🎴 | Dragon Leap
🎴 | Exit Loop
🎴 | Flea!
🎴 | Micro Mages
🎴 | Nebs ’n Debs
🎴 | Project Blue
🎴 | Rollie
🎴 | Shera & the 40 Thieves
🎴 | Study Hall
🎴 | Super Uwol
🎴 | Twin Dragons
° Not to be confused with Espitene, a 2018 Mojon Twins game ranked in Adventure.
°° This game’s final boss hasn’t yet been coded, leaving the game without an ending.
Puzzle Game Rankings
🔰 #1 | Witch n’ Wiz, Hughson (^)
🔰 #2 | Tapeworm Disco Puzzle, LowTek (^)
🔰 #3 | Gruniożerca 3, Kur / M-Tee (^)
🔰 #4 | Lucky Penguin, Kur / Macbee (^)
🔰 #5 | Roniu’s Tale, Kunjee Studio (^)
🔰 #6 | Gruniożerca 2, Kur / M-Tee (^)
🔰 #7 | Alter Ego, Shiru (^)
🔰 #8 | Multidude, Retrosouls (^)
🔰 #9 | AO, Nemesys (^)
🔰 #10 | Fluffy Space Escape, CPP (^)🔹
🔰 #11 | Atmo Sphere, Fiskbit (^)🔹
🔰 #12 | Babel Blox, Sly Dog (^)
🔰 #13 | Tomb of Ice, FG Software (^)🔹
🔰 #14 | Blockage, The Doc (^)
🔰 #15 | Upsad Down, Fadest (^)
🔰 #16 | Rock Paper Scissors, Wry Games (^)
🔰 #17 | Wordle, FG Software (^)🔹
🔰 #18 | Lan Master, Shiru (^)
🔰 #19 | The Incident, KHAN Games (^)
🔰 #20 | GemVenture, retroUSB (^)
🔰 #21 | Bare Metal, Scardua / M-Tee (^)
🔰 #22 | RGB, Scardua (^)🔹
🔰 #23 | Dushlan, McQuillan (^)
🔰 #24 | From Below, Hughson (^)
🔰 #25 | Bomb Sweeper, SnowBro (^)🔸
🔰 #26 | Soko Banana, Flip for Fate (^)
🔰 #27 | Hack*Match, Zachtronics (^)
🔰 #28 | Family Picross, Second Dimension (^)
🔰 #29 | Mystic Pillars, Sivak Games (^)
🔰 #30 | Orebody: Sand Ripples, Vanderhoef (^)🔹
🔰 #31 | Block Dude, Mitch 3A (^)
🔰 #32 | Draiocht, Mega Cat (^)
🔰 #33 | Magic Floor, Korth (^)
🔰 #34 | Dizzy Sheep Disaster, CPP (^)
🔰 #35 | 0-to-X, Sole Goose Productions (^)
🔰 #36 | Critical Match, Lembcke (^)
🔰 #37 | Laser, Sav (^)
🔰 #38 | Tourtoise, Scardua (^)🔹
🔰 #39 | Squirrel Domino, Hoffman (^)
🔰 #40 | 8Bit Xmas: Dr. Covio, retroUSB (^)
🔰 #41 | UXO, Neodolphino (^)🔹
🔰 #42 | Sweet Dreams, Scardua (^)🔹
🔘 Sokoban, Holmberg (^)
🎴 | 0-to-X
🎴 | 8-Bit Xmas 2020: Dr. Covio
🎴 | Alter Ego
🎴 | AO
🎴 | Bomb Sweeper
🎴 | Draiocht
🎴 | Dushlan
🎴 | Family Picross
🎴 | From Below
🎴 | GemVenture
🎴 | Hack*Match
🎴 | The Incident
🎴 | Lan Master
🎴 | Lucky Penguin
🎴 | Multidude
🎴 | Mystic Pillars
🎴 | Rock Paper Scissors
🎴 | Roniu’s Tale
🎴 | Soko Banana
🎴 | Tapeworm Disco Puzzle
🎴 | UXO: Unexploded Ordinance
🎴 | Witch n’ Wiz
RPG Rankings
🔰 #1 | The Legends of Owlia, Gradual (^)
🔰 #2 | Weed N’ Stiff, CalGames (^)
🔰 #3 | Light From Within, Atarath (^)
🔰 #4 | Anguna: Scourge of the Goblin King, Bite the Chili (^)🔸
🔰 #5 | We Are Hejickle, Pubby (^)
🔰 #6 | Mystic Origins, New 8-Bit Heroes (^)
🔰 #7 | Candelabra: Estoscerro, Sly Dog (^)
🔰 #8 | Chaos Between Realms, Video Games United (^)🔹
🔰 #9 | Just a Game, Jacotomo (^)
🔰 #10 | 1000 Stars, Vufka (^)
🔰 #11 | Paws of the West, Pigeonaut (^)
🔰 #12 | Quest Forge, Ludosity (^)
🔰 #13 | Stellarator, McKinley (^)🔹
🔰 #14 | No Good Choice, Veremenko (^)🔹
🔰 #15 | File Fixers, Scardua (^)🔹
🔰 #16 | Time Survivor, Tinsley (^)
🔰 #17 | Black Box Challenge, Sly Dog (^)
🔰 #18 | Swords and Runes, Sole Goose (^)
🔰 #19 | Eternal Prelude, Rustocrat (^)
🔰 #20 | The Paths of Bridewell, ZKIP (^)
🔰 #21 | Roguelore, Scardua (^)
🔰 #22 | Inherent Smile, Calima (^)
🔰 #23 | To the Ends of the Earth, RinRem01 (^)
🔰 #24 | Shadow Animus, Chronicler of Legends (^)
🔰 #25 | Page Turner, Ferret Hall (^)
🔰 #26 | An Elf’s Tale, Bardsley (^)
🔰 #27 | TheWit.nes, Dustmop (^)
🔘 Shokan Doro, Gonzalez (^)
🎴 | Anguna: Scourge of the Goblin King
🎴 | Black Box Challenge
🎴 | Candelabra: Estoscerro
🎴 | The Legends of Owlia
🎴 | Mystic Origins
🎴 | Quest Forge
🎴 | Swords and Runes
Shooter / Run n’ Gun Rankings
🔰 #1 | Astro Ninja Man, Columbus Cir. (^)
🔰 #2 | Star Keeper, 87 Arts (^)
🔰 #3 | Blade Buster, High Level Challenge (^)
🔰 #4 | Haradius Zero, Neodolphino (^)
🔰 #5 | NeMULEsis, Vanderhoef (^)
🔰 #6 | Aspect Star N, Nicole Express (^)
🔰 #7 | Mine Mayhem, FG Software (^)🔹
🔰 #8 | Godzilla: King of Monsters, FG Software (^)°🔸
🔰 #9 | The Rise of Amondus, Sly Dog (^)
🔰 #10 | Sgt. Helmet: Training Day, Mojon Twins (^)
🔰 #11 | Copper Jacket, Monsoon Studios (^)
🔰 #12 | Gold Guardian Gun Girl, GoodTune (^)
🔰 #13 | Star Versus, Dust Mop (^)🔸
🔰 #14 | Bat Lizard Bonanza, Vanderhoef (^)
🔰 #15 | Touhou Rououmu, Kyoske (^)
🔰 #16 | Rekt, FG Software (^)🔹
🔰 #17 | DABG, Hoffman (^)
🔰 #18 | Spook-o’-Tron, Sole Goose (^)
🔰 #19 | Mermay’s Den, Mihoshi (^)
🔰 #20 | The Drunk Time Traveler’s Fiancée, Gonzalez (^)
🔰 #21 | Troll Burner, New 8-Bit Heroes (^)🔹
🔰 #22 | Thwaite, Yerrick (^)
🔰 #23 | Gaplus, M2 / Bandai Namco (^)
🔰 #24 | Chrono Knight, Artix (^)
🔰 #25 | Sweethearts, Zhamul (^)
🔰 #26 | Spirit Impel, Passe Gaming (^)
🔰 #27 | Improbability Fighter, Scardua (^)🔸
🔰 #28 | CYO, Nemesys (^)
🔰 #29 | Lunar Limit, Pubby (^)
🔰 #30 | T*Gun, Crisafulli (^)
🔰 #31 | Super PakPak, AOH Games (^)🔸
🔰 #32 | GunTnerR, Langel (^)
🔰 #33 | Bandana, Most (^)
🔰 #34 | Bloodfall, Ludos (^)
🔰 #35 | Black Hole, Siudym (^)🔹
🔰 #36 | Klepsydra, Drexegar (^)
🔰 #37 | Dragon Feet, Crisafulli (^)🔹
🔰 #38 | Saturn Smash, FG Software (^)
🔰 #39 | Spacy Shooty, Fraker (^)
🔰 #40 | Scramble, KHAN Games (^)
🔰 #41 | Galaxxon III, Rost & Co. (^)
🔰 #42 | 2600 A.D., CrazyGroupTrio (^)
🔰 #43 | War Boat, Timeline Games (^)🔹
🔰 #44 | Solar Wars, Covell (^)
🔰 #45 | Jupiter Scope 2, Nin-Kuuku (^)
🔰 #46 | Uchūsen, Nape Games (^)🔹
🔰 #47 | Galaxy Hero, Siudym (^)🔹
🔰 #48 | Kubo 1 & 2, Seiji / SJ Games (^)🔹
🔘 Vehion, Livak (^)
🔘 Wraith, Livak (^)
🎴 | Astro Ninja Man°°
🎴 | Candelabra: The Rise of Amondus
🎴 | Copper Jacket
🎴 | Ghoul Grind: Night of the Necromancer
🎴 | Gold Guardian Gun Girl
🎴 | Haradius Zero
🎴 | Kubo 1 & 2
🎴 | Lunar Limit
🎴 | Scramble
🎴 | Sgt. Helmet: Training Day
🎴 | Spirit Impel
🎴 | Spook-o’-Tron
🎴 | Star Keeper
🎴 | Star Versus
🎴 | Super PakPak
🎴 | T*Gun
🎴 | Uchūsen
° Not to be confused with the licensed NES game, Godzilla: Monster of Monsters.
°° Available in FamiCom edition only.
Simulation Game Rankings
🔰 #1 | Chippy, Fraker (^)🔹
🔰 #2 | FINnes, AGG 23 (^)🔹
🔰 #3 | Join Us, Aerage Games (^)°🔹
🔰 #4 | PCB Artist, Molloy (^)🔸
🔰 #5 | Nintencat: The Parody, Bryant (^)🔸
🔰 #6 | NES Calculator, Scardua (^)
🔰 #7 | Music Toy: Axe, Yerrick (^)🔸🔫
° Only the first two “rooms” in this game have been completed (the “basement” and the “living room”). The remaining two rooms can be viewed but are not fully playable.
Sports / Racing Game Rankings
🔰 #1 | Beyond the Pins, KHAN Games (^)°
🔰 #2 | Log Jammers, Mega Cat (^)
🔰 #3 | Creepy Brawlers, Mega Cat (^)
🔰 #4 | Galf, Spoony Bard (^)
🔰 #5 | Amazon’s Running Diet, Ancient (^)
🔰 #6 | Project D.A.R.T., CutterCross (^)
🔰 #7 | SplatooD, der Zauberer (^)🔹
🔰 #8 | F-FF, Pubby (^)
🔰 #9 | Mr. Splash, Project F (^)
🔰 #10 | 8-Bit Xmas: Exciteduck, retroUSB (^)
🔰 #11 | RC2 Rally, Good_Tune (^)
🔰 #12 | Rumblefest ‘89, Jurassic Sunset (^)🔹
🔰 #13 | Highway Racing, Alien Tech (^)🔹
🔰 #14 | NESert Golfing, Rainwarrior (^)
🔰 #15 | 8-Bit Xmas 2018: Xmas Skiing, retroUSB (^)
🔰 #16 | Battle Pong, Bell (^)🔹
🔰 #17 | Box & Wrestle, Alien Tech (^)🔹
🔰 #18 | Rookie Egg Jugglers, Famicuber (^)🔹
° Offers a substantial Adventure game component as well as a bowling game.
🎴 | 8-Bit Xmas 2018: Xmas Skiing
🎴 | 8-Bit Xmas 2021: Exciteduck
🎴 | Beyond the Pins
🎴 | Creepy Brawlers
🎴 | Galf
🎴 | Log Jammers
🎴 | Mr. Splash
🎴 | RC2 Rally
Strategy Game Rankings
🔰 #1 | Armed for Battle, 1010 HOWE (^)
🔰 #2 | Dune 2: Sand Emperor, TI (^)🔹
🔰 #3 | Tower Defense 1990, Lloyd (^)
🔰 #4 | Against the Pirates, CoolBoy (^)°°🔹
🔰 #5 | RHDE: Furniture Fight, Yerrick (^)
🔰 #6 | Galactic Ascension, Gerard (^)
🔰 #7 | Plants vs. Zombies, Nice Code (^)°
🔰 #8 | Guardian 5, Maaskant (^)
🎴 | Armed for Battle
🎴 | Galactic Ascension
🎴 | Tower Defense 1990
° This game is an unlicensed demake of a popular game for another platform.
°° The title of this game has been mistranslated from Chinese, possibly as “Fighting Pirates” (erroneously transliterated as “Fated Pirate”). The correct title (对抗海盗) is Against the Pirates; the protagonist is in each stage fighting off hordes of marauders. Note that you input your ship’s movement in a very unusual way—via the Start button.
Zapper / FPS Rankings
{Note: Games with a “🔫” icon after them require the use of an NES Zapper. The remaining games are first-person shooters (FPS) or Zapper games that can be played with a controller.}
🔰 #1 | Shark, Most (^)🔹
🔰 #2 | Super Russian Roulette, Reitano (^)🔫
🔰 #3 | Falling Tiles, Fraker (^)🔫
🔰 #4 | Russian Roulette, Intendon (^)
🔘 Russian Roulette, Yerrick (^)🔫
🎴 | Super Russian Roulette