The Top 500 Atari 2600 Homebrews, Vol. 1
After the last Atari 2600 game was released during the original lifespan of the console, indie developers continued publishing high-quality 2600 carts. This new archive ranks 976 such games.
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{Note: New readers can learn more about my background as an art critic, video game reviewer, journalist, cultural theorist, and retired university professor specializing in digital culture here. To go directly to the rankings, press Ctrl+F and enter “#Rankings” in this page’s search bar.}
The Introduction to this ongoing Retro series can be found at this permanent link.
Total Library Size
This Retro report ranks 976 Atari 2600 homebrew titles. This tally includes:
502 ranked homebrews (🔰) that are original games or conversions, demakes, ports, or remakes of other games;
288 honorable mention homebrews (🔘) that are original games or conversions, demakes, ports, or remakes of other games;
80 homebrews that can only be played by multiple players (“multiplayer games”), divided by genre into top multiplayer titles (📘) and honorable mentions (🗨️);
10 homebrews that include multiple games on one cart (“multicarts”), divided into top multicarts (📕) and honorable mentions (🗨️);
23 utilities, divided into top titles (🔆) and honorable mentions (🗨️);
71 homebrews that are game demos or tech demos, each ranked within their own category and further divided into top demos (🌀) and honorable mentions (🗨️); and
a list of games yet to be assessed (see “Forthcoming Games and Assessments”) whose size will vary depending on the edition of this evolving Retro archive.
Complete-in-Box Atari 2600 Homebrews
Of the Atari 2600 homebrews below, 188 are available as complete-in-box (CIB) titles.
Ranking Limitations
All rankings have severe limitations—that goes without saying—and a ranking of a homebrew scene that will celebrate its thirtieth anniversary in 2026 even more so.
There are over 2,000 Atari 2600 homebrews, and it will take many editions of this Retro series to feature even a super-majority of them. That said, it’s doable: the Retro NES homebrew archive already includes over 1,800 of the approximately 2,000 homebrews believed to exist for that system, and is recognized as the largest listing of its kind in the world. So the goal of this project is attainable—it will simply take a little time.
Of more immediate concern are esoteric limitations that most readers might not even notice were they not transparently noted here. For instance, this report utilizes several methods to ensure that the views of other video game critics and other gamers are acknowledged, for instance through notations indicating games that have won the annual Atari Homebrew Awards. However, since those awards only began in 2018, any game released from 1995 through 2017 is at a distinct disadvantage here, as it’s really not eligible for one of the key notations in this report. While Retro could wish that the annual awards would acknowledge this lacuna by having a dedicated category each year that honors and asks its audience to vote on the overall quality of games released in the years from 1995 through 2017, with a particular emphasis on 2005 through 2017, that hasn’t yet happened and so our understanding of which games were held in high esteem at the time they were released—if they were released before 2018—is limited. It’s admittedly hard to see games like Scramble or Deepstone Catacomb not get the full recognition they deserve here from the critics (though Retro gives them plenty of love).
Just so, while we have partial historical records indicating which games were available in CIB format upon release, so many games from the 2000s are long out of print that it is extremely difficult to ensure that the catalogue of CIB 2600 games presented here is complete. Even under the best circumstances, it would take a project launched in 2024 a year or two to find most of the available CIBs and catalogue them—but given that this is a project launched in 2024 looking at thirty years of releases, we can’t say we’re in the best of circumstances. Still, Retro is a believer not only in curatorial journalism broadly writ but in adding the fourth dimension of time to all questions: just because a project will not start out perfect doesn’t mean it can’t end up somewhat close to it.
And there are workarounds that reduce the scope of any ranking’s natural limitations.
For instance, simply by virtue of being coded as a Top 500 ranking, this archive does limit the immediate impact of any missing games that would be unlikely to achieve that status, despite their many merits. Just so, because coding techniques have now advanced well beyond what they were twenty years ago, it’s arguably the case that games released since 2017 are slightly more likely to make a Top 500 ranking like this one, which mitigates somewhat the difficulties one encounters in finding all the Atari 2600 homebrew games released in (say) 1998 or 1999. It’s worth noting too that Retro has located some AtariAge fan-voting data from before 2018, and has been able to use that data to augment the Atari Homebrew Awards data.
Corrections, Dead Links, and Reassessments
If you need to report a dead link, or have a link to your Atari 2600 homebrew that you prefer Retro use over the one used below, use this contact form to request a change. You can also use this form if you would like Retro to reassess your game because it’s gotten an update; make sure to include instructions on where to find the new version.
It’s the goal of this archive to use Internet Archive links for games only when no other proof can be found anywhere that the game in question exists as an artifact rather than a mere rumor—as this archive is, above all, a historical record, and it would be failing its duty as a historical record if it didn’t substantiate its claim that a given game exists. This said, (a) Retro strongly opposes piracy in all its forms, and (b) Retro will instantly replace any less-desireable link when it finds or is provided with an alternative. To this end, the comment section of this report has been made public—in part so alternative links can be provided and suggestions can be acted on ASAP.
While this may be a fanciful hope, Retro believes that if an out-of-print Atari 2600 title with no proof of its existence anywhere but on a site of middling character gets new attention through a link here, it might allow devs and publishers to not only learn—perhaps for the first time—that their game is being appreciated by gamers out in the world, but also (and perhaps even because of this) offer cause to give the homebrew in question a second life via a dedicated BIN-download page on, a new full-CIB release with an indie publisher, or at least some new means of getting info about it to those who admire it and would like to patronize and otherwise support its maker(s).
Retro will remove any link that is deemed inappropriate by the developer of a game, and will do so immediately—no questions asked. You can contact Retro via this form.
Table of Contents
{Note: Some of the ToC items below are located on a second Retro page, due to Substack space and memory limitations. Please see any items in the Table below that are links for such items.}
💮 Introduction {separate report}
💮 Some Useful Links for Atari 2600 Homebrew Fans
💮 Ranking Key
The Best of the Best Atari 2600 Homebrews
💮 The Overall Top 40
💮 The Retro Top 100
The Retro Top 500 Atari 2600 Homebrews
💮 Action-Adventure Games — #Action
💮 Adventure Games — #Adventure
💮 Arcade Games — #Arcade
Multiplayer Games
Versus Games
Cooperative Games
💮 Art & Music Carts — #Art / #Music
All Art Carts
All Music Carts
Multiplayer Carts
💮 Card & Table Games — #Card
Multiplayer Games
💮 Endless Runners — #Runner
Multiplayer Games
💮 Fighting Games — #Fight
Multiplayer Games
💮 Kids Games — #Kids
💮 Platformers — #Platform
💮 Puzzle Games — #Puzzle
Multiplayer Games
💮 Racing Games — #Racing
Multiplayer Games
💮 Rhythm Games — #Rhythm
Multiplayer Games
💮 RPGs — #RPG
💮 Shooters — #Shooter
Multiplayer Games
Versus Games
Cooperative Games
💮 Simulations — #Sim
All Games
💮 Sports Games — #Sports
Multiplayer Games
💮 Strategy Games — #Strategy
Multiplayer Games
Additional Atari 2600 Homebrew Rankings
💮 Multicarts — #MC
All Games
💮 Demos — #Demos
Game Demos
Top Demos
Honorable Mentions
Tech Demos
💮 Utilities — #Utilities
Top Utilities
Honorable Mentions
💮 Top Atari 2600 Homebrew Developers {separate report} — #Developers
Development Studios
Solo Developers
Forthcoming Games and Assessments
💮 Originals
💮 Non-Originals
Additional Sources
💮 Awards Archive {separate report}
💮 Source List
Some Useful Links for Atari 2600 Homebrew Fans
Ranking Key and Definitions
{Note: This section, much like the rankings as a whole, is best viewed on a desktop computer.}
💠 = A “Best of the Best” (S Tier) homebrew; the best games of those in the Top 500, according to Retro and other reviewers, receive this designation.
🔰 = A “Top 500” (First Tier) game; the number beside it is its in-subgenre ranking.
🔘 = An “Honorable Mention” (Second Tier) Atari 2600 homebrew, according to Retro.
🔆 = A ranked (First Tier) Atari 2600 utility, according to Retro.
🗨️ = An “Honorable Mention” (Second Tier) Atari 2600 utility, per Retro.
🌀 = An Atari 2600 homebrew that’s still in “demo” status rather than a complete game.
🎴 = An homebrew that has at some point been available as a complete-in-box product.
🆕 = A title or link new to this report; this symbol is removed for subsequent volumes.
🆙 = A game whose ranking has improved notably in this volume due to a reassessment.
🅰️ = A game containing adult images, situations, or themes. Gamer discretion is advised.
🔺 = A game that would climb significantly in the rankings with just a few gameplay fixes.
✴️ = A homebrew that won an Atari Award for Best Homebrew (whether overall or 4K and under) or was nominated in every category it was eligible in for the year of its release.
📌 = Used to denote an Atari 2600 homebrew development studio or solo developer.
🟨 = An Original. A homebrew that isn’t a conversion, demake, remake, or port.
🟩 = A Conversion. A homebrew is deemed a conversion if it’s an arcade game getting a first-time home console release or an arcade game whose other releases came in the second home-console generation.
🟦 = A Demake. A homebrew is deemed a demake if the Atari 2600 isn’t the first home console it was released on, and its prior releases were for systems in the third or later generations of home consoles.
🟪 = A Remake. A homebrew is deemed a remake if it was previously released for the Atari 2600 or an 8-bit Atari system, whether or not it was released for consoles from other home console generations.
🟫 = A Port. A homebrew is deemed a port if the Atari 2600 isn’t the first console it was released on and at least one prior release was for a system in the first or second home console generation (unless it’s an arcade game with only a first or second generation release, in which case it is deemed by Retro to be a conversion, instead).
⬜️ = An Enhancement. A homebrew is deemed an enhancement if it tweaks the game mechanics or the aesthetics of an original Atari 2600 game while presenting the result as simply a slightly improved version of the original (without making the sufficiently dramatic alterations we would expect from a homebrew classified as a full “remake”).
📘 = A Multiplayer Game. Multiplayer games do not just allow for but require two players to be played properly. In this category, all originals, conversions, demakes, ports, and remakes are considered together.
📕 = A Multicart. Multicarts include two or more works from the same developer on one cart, or two or more works from different developers intended for a single contest or theme (as distinguished from anthologies, which feature titles from developers who were working on their games at very different times and/or for very different purposes).
The Best of the Best Atari 2600 Homebrews
The Overall Top 40
(with number of votes from non-Retro video game reviewers)
💠 #01 | 🟦 | 8 | Mappy, Champ
💠 #02 | 🟦 | 6 | Galagon, Champ
💠 #03 | 🟩 | 5 | Aardvark, Gutiérrez
💠 #03 | 🟫 | 5 | RobotWar 2684, Champ
💠 #03 | 🟪 | 5 | Ruby*Q, Mogno
💠 #03 | 🟩 | 5 | Zoo Keeper, Champ
💠 #07 | 🟫 | 4 | Draconian, SpiceWare
💠 #07 | 🟦 | 4 | Elevator Agent, Champ
💠 #07 | 🟫 | 4 | Juno First, Walton
💠 #07 | 🟩 | 4 | Lady Bug Arcade, Champ
💠 #07 | 🟫 | 4 | Qyx, Champ
💠 #07 | 🟩 | 4 | Turbo Arcade, Champ
💠 #07 | 🟪 | 4 | Wizard of Wor Arcade, Champ
💠 #14 | 🟦 | 3 | Amoeba Jump, Olsthoorn
💠 #14 | 🟦 | 3 | Boom!, Walton
💠 #14 | 🟫 | 4 | Bot & Tom, Jentzsch
💠 #14 | 🟨 | 3 | Circus Convoy, Audacity
💠 #14 | 🟪 | 3 | Dare Devil, MuddyVision
💠 #14 | 🟨 | 3 | Dark Keep, Smith
💠 #14 | 🟪 | 3 | Donkey Kong Arcade, Haas
💠 #14 | 🟪 | 3 | Donkey Kong VCS, Musashi
💠 #14 | 🟨 | 3 | Game of the Bear, VHZC
💠 #14 | 🟪 | 3 | Gorf Arcade, Champ
💠 #14 | 🟨 | 3 | Ninjish Guy in Low-Res World, VHZC
💠 #14 | 🟨 | 3 | Oozy the Goo: Slime Quest, VHZC
💠 #14 | 🟪 | 3 | Pac-Man 4K, Debro
💠 #14 | 🟪 | 3 | Pac-Man 8K, Shay
💠 #14 | 🟨 | 3 | Penult, Garrison
💠 #14 | 🟦 | 3 | Punch-Out, Mathan Games
💠 #14 | 🟨 | 3 | Raptor, Pauley
💠 #14 | 🟨 | 3 | Robot City, Jentzsch
💠 #14 | 🟨 | 3 | Robot Zed, Spry
💠 #14 | 🟨 | 3 | Slide Boy in Maze Land, VHZC
💠 #14 | 🟨 | 3 | Space Pac-Man, Game Select
💠 #14 | 🟨 | 3 | Spies in the Night 2, West
💠 #14 | 🟨 | 3 | Stay Frosty, SpiceWare
💠 #14 | 🟨 | 3 | Strike Zone Bowling, Smith
💠 #14 | 🟨 | 3 | Tober’s Nightmare, Crocker
💠 #14 | 🟦 | 3 | Tower of Rubble, Olsthoorn
💠 #14 | 🟨 | 3 | Toyshop Trouble, Payson
💠 #14 | 🟦 | 3 | Xanthiom, Mathan Games
💠 #14 | 🟦 | 3 | Zippy the Porcupine, Spry
The Retro Top 100
(ranked by Retro, but showing votes from other video game reviewers) *
💠 #01 | 🟦 | 3 | Tower of Rubble, Olsthoorn
💠 #02 | 🟦 | 0 | Pitkat, Johannes
💠 #03 | 🟩 | 5 | Zoo Keeper, Champ
💠 #04 | 🟦 | 8 | Mappy, Champ
💠 #05 | 🟨 | 2 | Spies in the Night, West
💠 #06 | 🟨 | 3 | Stay Frosty, SpiceWare
💠 #07 | 🟪 | 2 | Super Cobra Arcade, Champ
💠 #08 | 🟨 | 3 | Game of the Bear, VHZC
💠 #09 | 🟫 | 4 | Draconian, SpiceWare
💠 #10 | 🟩 | 4 | Turbo Arcade, Champ
💠 #11 | 🟨 | 1 | Hugohunt, Angelsoft
💠 #12 | 🟨 | 0 | Castle of Devils, Xbataxel Games
💠 #13 | 🟨 | 3 | Circus Convoy, Audacity
💠 #14 | 🟦 | 4 | Elevator Agent, Champ
💠 #15 | 🟨 | 3 | Penult, Garrison
💠 #16 | 🟨 | 3 | Tober’s Nightmare, Crocker
💠 #17 | 🟨 | 3 | Slide Boy in Maze Land, VHZC
💠 #18 | 🟫 | 4 | Juno First, Walton
💠 #19 | 🟫 | 5 | RobotWar 2684, Champ
💠 #20 | 🟨 | 1 | RoboMechanik, Kluczek
💠 #21 | 🟨 | 0 | Tumble Temple, Bluswimmer
💠 #22 | 🟨 | 0 | Alien Holocaust II, Bitnamic
💠 #23 | 🟨 | 0 | Robo Tito, VHZC
💠 #24 | 🟫 | 4 | Bot & Tom, Jentzsch
💠 #25 | 🟩 | 5 | Aardvark, Gutiérrez
💠 #26 | 🟨 | 3 | Raptor, Pauley
💠 #27 | 🟦 | 0 | 1-vs-1 Basketball, Smith & Howe
💠 #28 | 🟨 | 3 | Strike Zone Bowling, Smith
💠 #29 | 🟨 | 3 | Ninjish Guy in Low-Res World, VHZC
💠 #30 | 🟫 | 1 | Squish ’Em, Montgomery
💠 #31 | 🟨 | 0 | Wall Jump Ninja, Walaber
💠 #32 | 🟨 | 1 | K.O. Cruiser, Cook
💠 #33 | 🟨 | 1 | Oh No! More Peril, VHZC
💠 #34 | 🟨 | 1 | Game of the Bear 2, VHZC
💠 #35 | 🟨 | 3 | Oozy the Goo: Slime Quest, VHZC
💠 #36 | 🟨 | 2 | I Ran, VHZC
💠 #37 | 🟦 | 1 | Paint the City, Blackman
💠 #38 | 🟨 | 0 | 3-Point Dash, Kiki Games
💠 #39 | 🟨 | 0 | Danny, Pilgrim
💠 #40 | 🟨 | 0 | No Touchy, Pilgrim
💠 #41 | 🟨 | 1 | Pantheon II, Indovina
💠 #42 | 🟨 | 1 | Dungeon, Weavil
💠 #43 | 🟨 | 3 | Robot Zed, Spry
💠 #44 | 🟨 | 3 | Spies in the Night 2, West
💠 #45 | 🟫 | 4 | Qyx, Champ
💠 #46 | 🟨 | 0 | Deepstone Catacomb, Crocker
💠 #47 | 🟨 | 0 | Alien Holocaust, Bitnamic
💠 #48 | 🟨 | 1 | Robo-Ninja Climb, Tolbert
💠 #49 | 🟨 | 1 | Marble Craze, Xype Games
💠 #50 | 🟨 | 1 | Steps, Christianson
💠 #51 | 🟨 | 0 | Jitter, Serra
💠 #52 | 🟦 | 0 | Strat-O-Gems, Payson
💠 #53 | 🟨 | 0 | Warship, Maximus Games
💠 #54 | 🟨 | 0 | Project Z, FLB Games
💠 #55 | 🟨 | 0 | Geist, Xbataxel Games
💠 #56 | 🟨 | 0 | Flop Band, Calby
💠 #57 | 🟨 | 1 | Kovi Kovi, Johannes
💠 #58 | 🟨 | 0 | Passthrough, Friedel
💠 #59 | 🟨 | 0 | DigiBeatz, Blackman
💠 #60 | 🟨 | 0 | Diamond Drop, Maximus Games
💠 #61 | 🟨 | 0 | Up Plus Plus, Gemintronic
💠 #62 | 🟨 | 0 | Stellar Drive 2, Kiki Games
💠 #63 | 🟨 | 0 | Peril, VHZC
💠 #64 | 🟫 | 0 | AStar, Curtis
💠 #65 | 🟨 | 0 | Low Res Car, VHZC
💠 #66 | 🟨 | 0 | Omicron, Serra
💠 #67 | 🟦 | 0 | Boulder Dash, Jentzsch & Davie
💠 #68 | 🟨 | 2 | Vroom!, Jentzsch
💠 #69 | 🟨 | 1 | Space Game, Garrison
💠 #70 | 🟩 | 4 | Lady Bug Arcade, Champ
💠 #71 | 🟨 | 1 | Asteroids Attack, Game Select
💠 #72 | 🟨 | 0 | Stepz, Arlasoft
💠 #73 | 🟪 | 2 | Chaotic Grill, Blackman
💠 #74 | 🟪 | 4 | Wizard of Wor Arcade, Champ
💠 #75 | 🟨 | 0 | Shades, Playsoft
💠 #76 | 🟦 | 3 | Boom!, Walton
💠 #77 | 🟨 | 0 | Panky the Panda, Larson
💠 #78 | 🟦 | 0 | Gauntlet, CDS Games
💠 #79 | 🟨 | 2 | Cannonhead Clash, Bluswimmer
💠 #80 | 🟫 | 2 | Lode Runner, Olsthoorn
💠 #81 | 🟨 | 0 | Lupin 3, Jab Games
💠 #82 | 🟨 | 0 | Tray 4, Jab Games
💠 #83 | 🟨 | 0 | Galactopus, Pryor
💠 #84 | 🟨 | 0 | Oh Shoot!, Meyer
💠 #85 | 🟦 | 3 | Amoeba Jump, Olsthoorn
💠 #86 | 🟨 | 0 | Elevator, Jab Games
💠 #87 | 🟨 | 0 | Space Cactus Canyon, Best Games
💠 #88 | 🟨 | 0 | Plan B: Escape Earth, Bachman
💠 #89 | 🟨 | 1 | Cannonica, VHZC
💠 #90 | 🟨 | 1 | Assembloids, Wendt
💠 #91 | 🟨 | 0 | Spider Web, Dalrymple
💠 #92 | 🟨 | 0 | Aliens, Plasma Guns & Chewing Gum, Ronne
💠 #93 | 🟨 | 1 | Dungeon II: Solstice, Weavil
💠 #94 | 🟨 | 0 | Santa’s Scabs, J. Kitchen
💠 #95 | 🟪 | 0 | Defender Arcade, DeCrescenzo
💠 #96 | 🟦 | 6 | Galagon, Champ
💠 #97 | 🟪 | 1 | Conquest of Mars, Champ
💠 #98 | 🟥 | 1 | Hero 2, Game Select
💠 #90 | 🟨 | 0 | Bounce!, Zavagli
💠 #100 | 🟨 | 0 | Caesar, Jab Games
*As this ranking is more personal and less universal than the genre rankings below, there may be some slight differences between this ranking and the ones that follow.
The Retro Top 500 Atari 2600 Homebrews
Action-Adventure Rankings
Action-Adventure Originals (#Action)
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 🟨 | 3 | Circus Convoy, Audacity
🔰 #02 | 🟨 | 3 | Robot Zed, Spry
🔰 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Deepstone Catacomb, Crocker
🔰 #04 | 🟨 | 1 | Alien Abduction!, Audacity
🔰 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Zarkstars: Nebula, Skyline
🔰 #06 | 🟨 | 0 | Orb, Riley
🔰 #07 | 🟨 | 0 | Lost Cat, West
🔰 #08 | 🟨 | 0 | Panic! Rooms, Brown
🔰 #09 | 🟨 | 1 | Alien Exterminator, Nintenjo Games
🔰 #10 | 🟨 | 1 | Unholy, Santiago
🔰 #11 | 🟨 | 1 | Heist 2, Marsh
🔰 #12 | 🟨 | 1 | Cave In, Maximus Games
🔰 #13 | 🟨 | 1 | Hero 2, Game Select *
🔰 #14 | 🟨 | 2 | Dragon’s Descent, Furmanski
🔰 #15 | 🟨 | 0 | Coarse Blade, Ronne
🔰 #16 | 🟨 | 1 | Bitquest II, Shea
🔰 #17 | 🟨 | 0 | Doom Patrol, Riley
🔰 #18 | 🟨 | 0 | The Curse of Blackbeard’s Skull, Holcomb
🔰 #19 | 🟨 | 0 | Carrot Kingdom, Nesbella
Action-Adventure Game Originals: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Shattered Earth, Pryor
🔘 #02 | 🟨 | 1 | Laserface Island, Brouillet
🔘 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Ature, Beoran
🔘 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Beast, Era Games
🔘 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Winter Fortress, Denebola
🔘 #06 | 🟨 | 0 | The Deep, Riley
🔘 #07 | 🟨 | 1 | Heist, Marsh
🔘 #08 | 🟨 | 0 | Titan Axe, Caraway
🔘 #09 | 🟨 | 0 | CRT, Sknarp Games
🔘 #10 | 🟨 | 1 | Gizzle Wap: Blizzard of Firn, Smith
🔘 #11 | 🟨 | 0 | Gizzle Wap: Red Tree, Smith
🔘 #12 | 🟨 | 0 | Prehistoric Times, Salute Games
🔘 #13 | 🟨 | 0 | Dead of Knight, Gemintronic
🔘 #14 | 🟨 | 0 | Figo Beo, Valgimigli 🅰️
🔘 #15 | 🟨 | 0 | Chronicles of Ataria, Kozlowski
🔘 #16 | 🟨 | 0 | Mini Dragon Chalice, Gemintronic
🔘 #17 | 🟨 | 0 | Dragon Chalice, Gemintronic
🔘 #18 | 🟨 | 0 | The Last Ninja, Cope
🔘 #19 | 🟨 | 0 | Goblin, Esci
🔘 #20 | 🟨 | 0 | Knight Kuest, Retro Lord Games
🔘 #21 | 🟨 | 0 | Tumulus, Wally
*A hackbrew that uses H.E.R.O. assets to create a new game—a sequel to the original.
🎴 Complete-in-Box Action-Adventure Originals
Alien Abduction!
Cave In
Circus Convoy
Deepstone Catacomb
Dragon’s Descent
Figo Beo
The Gizzle Wap and the Strange Red Tree
Hero 2
The Last Ninja
Panic! Rooms
Titan Axe
Zarkstars IV: Nebula
✴️ Atari Award Notables
The Gizzle Wap and the Blizzard of Firn
Action-Adventure Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 0 | Gauntlet, CDS Games
🔰 #02 | 3 | Xanthiom, Mathan Games
🔰 #03 | 1 | Foxhunt Arena, Artisan Retro
🔰 #04 | 0 | Batman, Ronne
Action-Adventure Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes: Honorable Mentions
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔘 #01 | 1 | Awakening, Siddall
🆎 Game Associations
🟦 Awakening, The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
🟦 Batman, Batman
🟫 Fox Hunt Arena, Fox Hunt
🟦 Gauntlet, Gauntlet
🟦 Xanthiom, Metroid
✴️ Atari Award Notables
Adventure Game Rankings
Adventure Game Originals
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 🟨 | 3 | Game of the Bear, VHZC
🔰 #02 | 🟨 | 2 | Spies in the Night, West
🔰 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Castle of Devils, Xbataxel Games
🔰 #04 | 🟨 | 1 | Oh No! More Peril, VHZC
🔰 #05 | 🟨 | 1 | Game of the Bear 2, VHZC
🔰 #06 | 🟨 | 3 | Oozy the Goo: Slime Quest, VHZC
🔰 #07 | 🟨 | 3 | Spies in the Night 2, West
🔰 #08 | 🟨 | 0 | Alien Holocaust, Bitnamic
🔰 #09 | 🟨 | 0 | Peril, VHZC
🔰 #10 | 🟨 | 0 | Christmas Adventure, Holcomb
🔰 #11 | 🟨 | 0 | Tin Man, Zufolek
🔰 #12 | 🟨 | 0 | Stepz, Arlasoft
🔰 #13 | 🟨 | 0 | Mean Santa, Duarte & Harvey
🔰 #14 | 🟨 | 1 | Apollyon, Zoltán Games
🔰 #15 | 🟨 | 1 | Evil Magician Returns II, Holcomb
🔰 #16 | 🟨 | 1 | CGE Adventures, Holcomb
🔰 #17 | 🟨 | 0 | GoSub II, Aegis
🔰 #18 | 🟨 | 0 | Alien Greed 2, Aegis
Adventure Game Originals: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Catacombs of Chaos, Gemintronic
🔘 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Bigfoot Family Rescue, Alexander
🔘 #03 | 🟨 | 1 | Escape From the Castle, Vilarinho 🔺
🔘 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | GoSub, Aegis
🔘 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Terrance & Phillip 2, Aegis
🔘 #06 | 🟨 | 1 | NeXion, Keaghey
🔘 #07 | 🟨 | 1 | Fear of the Dark, Zoltán Games 🔺
🔘 #08 | 🟨 | 0 | Cave Rescue, Era Games
🔘 #09 | 🟨 | 0 | Jungle Adventure, Maximus Games
🔘 #10 | 🟨 | 0 | Duck Attack!, Nicholes
🔘 #11 | 🟨 | 1 | Runes of Moria, Rossum
🔘 #12 | 🟨 | 0 | Skeleton+, Ball (^)
🔘 #13 | 🟨 | 1 | C.H.E.A.T., Weaver
🔘 #14 | 🟨 | 0 | Super Maria Sisters, Aegis
🔘 #15 | 🟨 | 0 | Unlock, Xan
🔘 #16 | 🟨 | 0 | Plim, Aegis 🔺
🔘 #17 | 🟨 | 0 | Caves of Zargon, VGAG Games 🔺
🔘 #18 | 🟨 | 0 | Fellowship of the Ring, Thornton
🔘 #19 | 🟨 | 0 | 79 Pompeii, Repolho Roxo Games
🔘 #20 | 🟨 | 0 | Dead Planets, Coop Devil Games
🔘 #21 | 🟨 | 0 | Bitquest, Shea
🔘 #22 | 🟨 | 0 | Escape Moon, Olioni Games
🔘 #23 | 🟨 | 0 | Haunted Bakery, Denebola
🔘 #24 | 🟨 | 0 | Merlin’s Walls, Ébivision
🔘 #25 | 🟨 | 0 | Dagger Quest, Lapinski
🔘 #26 | 🟨 | 0 | Maze Escape, CastleSoft Works
🔘 #27 | 🟨 | 0 | Two-Player Adventure, Fort Apocalypse
🔘 #28 | 🟨 | 0 | Quest! Water, Olioni Games
🔘 #29 | 🟨 | 0 | Quest! Fire, Olioni Games
🔘 #30 | 🟨 | 0 | Quest! Ice, Olioni Games
🔘 #31 | 🟨 | 0 | The Fall of the Artifacts, Ivancil Games
🎴 Complete-in-Box Adventure Originals
Alien Greed 2
Bigfoot Family Rescue
Catacombs of Chaos
Cave Rescue
CGE Adventures
Escape From the Castle
Game of the Bear
Game of the Bear: 2 Too Much to Bear
GoSub II
Mean Santa
Merlin’s Walls
Oozy the Goo: Slime Quest
Spies in the Night
Spies in the Night 2
✴️ Atari Award Notables
Evil Magician Returns II
Game of the Bear
Game of the Bear: 2 Much to Bear
Oozy the Goo: Slime Quest
Spies in the Night 2
Adventure Game Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 0 | Hunt the Wumpus, Pilgrim
🔰 #02 | 0 | Portal, Ivancil Games
🔰 #03 | 1 | The Legend of Zelda, MZX
🔰 #04 | 1 | Night Watch at Wilford’s, PixRuss
Adventure Game Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes: Honorable Mentions
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔘 #01 | 0 | Hunt the Wumpus, Collins
🔘 #02 | 1 | Soul of the Beast, Christophersson
🔘 #03 | 0 | Evil Magician Returns, Holcomb
🔘 #04 | 0 | Epic Adventure, Holcomb
🔘 #05 | 1 | Myst, Weaver
🆎 Game Associations
🟪 Epic Adventure, Adventure
🟪 Evil Magician Returns, Adventure
🟪 Hunt the Wumpus, Hunt the Wumpus
🟦 The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda
🟦 Myst, Myst
🟦 Night Watch at Wilford’s, 5 Nights at Freddy’s
🟦 Portal, Portal
🟦 Soul of the Beast, Shadow of the Beast
🎴 Complete-in-Box Adventure Game Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
Epic Adventure
Evil Magician Returns
Soul of the Beast
✴️ Atari Award Notables
Soul of the Beast
Arcade Game Rankings
Arcade Game Originals
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 🟨 | 1 | Stay Frosty 2, SpiceWare
🔰 #02 | 🟨 | 3 | Stay Frosty, SpiceWare
🔰 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Warship, Maximus Games
🔰 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Geist, Xbataxel Games
🔰 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Up Plus Plus, Gemintronic
🔰 #06 | 🟨 | 1 | Pizza Boy, Shinji
🔰 #07 | 🟨 | 3 | Space Pac-Man, Game Select
🔰 #08 | 🟨 | 0 | Flipside, Cybearg
🔰 #09 | 🟨 | 1 | Lineman!, Grocer Games
🔰 #10 | 🟨 | 1 | Bag Boy, Grocer Games
🔰 #11 | 🟨 | 3 | Toyshop Trouble, Payson
🔰 #12 | 🟨 | 0 | Reflex, Fastenau
🔰 #13 | 🟨 | 0 | Jex, Aegis
🔰 #14 | 🟨 | 0 | Checked Inn, Ferretti
🔰 #15 | 🟨 | 0 | Stranglehand, Gemintronic
🔰 #16 | 🟨 | 0 | Power Off!, Ébivision
🔰 #17 | 🟨 | 0 | Heartbreak, Cybearg
🔰 #18 | 🟨 | 0 | Mine Dig, Pilgrim
🔰 #19 | 🟨 | 0 | Flippets, Santiago
🔰 #20 | 🟨 | 0 | Catch a Coin, Bont
🔰 #21 | 🟨 | 0 | Insane Painter, Fort Apocalypse
🔰 #22 | 🟨 | 0 | KC Munchkin Monster Maze, Babich
🔰 #23 | 🟨 | 2 | Legendary Spear, Christianson
🔰 #24 | 🟨 | 0 | Mattress Monkeys, Phantom Logic
🔰 #25 | 🟨 | 0 | Fly Hunter, Phantom Logic
🔰 #26 | 🟨 | 1 | Jetman, Walton
🔰 #27 | 🟨 | 0 | Doggone It, Pauley
🔰 #28 | 🟨 | 0 | Charge!, J. Kitchen
🔰 #29 | 🟨 | 0 | Litterbug, Grocer Games
🔰 #30 | 🟨 | 0 | Endless Snow, Ferretti
🔰 #31 | 🟨 | 0 | Shielding Color, Corpiano
🔰 #32 | 🟨 | 0 | Hunger Shark, Luna
🔰 #33 | 🟨 | 0 | Trashmania Remix, Bont
🔰 #34 | 🟨 | 0 | Candy Catcher, Thienemann
🔰 #35 | 🟨 | 1 | Bob & the Alien Fireflies, 8BitB
🔰 #36 | 🟨 | 0 | Paint the Town Red, Aegis
🔰 #37 | 🟨 | 1 | Berry Fun!, Littau
🔰 #38 | 🟨 | 2 | Pinfinger, Grocer Games
🔰 #39 | 🟨 | 0 | Snaze, Rideout & Crowther
🔰 #40 | 🟨 | 0 | Doris, Serra
🔰 #41 | 🟨 | 0 | Keep Them Out, VHZC
🔰 #42 | 🟨 | 0 | Bomb Barrage, Maximus Games
🔰 #43 | 🟨 | 0 | Lyra the Tenrec, Oasys
🔰 #44 | 🟨 | 1 | Space Treat, Zavagli
🔰 #45 | 🟨 | 0 | Ping, Cybearg
🔰 #46 | 🟨 | 0 | Drone Wars, Jimenez
🔰 #47 | 🟨 | 1 | Jay Walker, Adkin
🔰 #48 | 🟨 | 0 | Zilla, Lucky Casette Games
🔰 #49 | 🟨 | 0 | Muncher, Skrbina
🔰 #50 | 🟨 | 0 | Turtle Bay, Unlink Games
🔰 #51 | 🟨 | 0 | Karatakus, Donnerkuh
🔰 #52 | 🟨 | 0 | Pig Perambulator, Avery
🔰 #53 | 🟨 | 0 | Candybar, Gemintronic
🔰 #54 | 🟨 | 0 | Window, Rabbit
🔰 #55 | 🟨 | 1 | SCSIcide, Grand
🔰 #56 | 🟨 | 0 | Housekeeping, Rabbit
🔰 #57 | 🟨 | 1 | Birds & Beans, Bluswimmer
🔰 #58 | 🟨 | 0 | Game Panic III, Gemintronic
🔰 #59 | 🟨 | 0 | Conjoined, Gemintronic
🔰 #60 | 🟨 | 0 | Squared Away, Aegis
🔰 #61 | 🟨 | 0 | Cave Bandit, Maximus Games
🔰 #62 | 🟨 | 0 | Virtual Dieter, Aegis
🔰 #63 | 🟨 | 0 | Underwater Predator, TD Games
🔰 #64 | 🟨 | 0 | Cave Trap, Maximus Games
🔰 #65 | 🟨 | 0 | Boo Fruit, Kiki Games
🔰 #66 | 🟨 | 0 | Solar Nexus, Maus Games
🔰 #67 | 🟨 | 0 | Wall-E, Rabbit
🔰 #68 | 🟨 | 0 | KC’s Crazy Nightmare, Tactical Neuronics
🔰 #69 | 🟨 | 0 | Smiley, Aegis
🔰 #70 | 🟨 | 0 | Covered in Bees, Pennington
🔰 #71 | 🟨 | 0 | Let It Snow Not, Serra
🔰 #72 | 🟨 | 0 | Scrollout, Babich
Arcade Game Originals: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Sabotage, Colbert
🔘 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Landfill, Lost Classics
🔘 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Zombie Chase, Quimby
🔘 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Fruit Fly Fun, Aegis
🔘 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Kite!, Quernhorst
🔘 #06 | 🟨 | 0 | The Celery Game, Aegis
🔘 #07 | 🟨 | 0 | Applestorm, Retro Lord
🔘 #08 | 🟨 | 0 | Popcorn, Aegis
🔘 #09 | 🟨 | 0 | Cave Ropes, Bont
🔘 #10 | 🟨 | 0 | Crossdock, Grocer Games
🔘 #11 | 🟨 | 0 | Grocery Games, Grocer Games 🔺
🔘 #12 | 🟨 | 0 | Chalk & Duster, Main
🔘 #13 | 🟨 | 0 | Sewer Cleaner, Aegis
🔘 #14 | 🟨 | 0 | Punch Chess, Poly Play
🔘 #15 | 🟨 | 0 | Uncle Hairy’s Nosehair, Aegis
🔘 #16 | 🟨 | 0 | Dr. Flin and His Pills, Aegis
🔘 #17 | 🟨 | 0 | Espionage, Raboud
🔘 #18 | 🟨 | 0 | Quandor, Aegis
🔘 #19 | 🟨 | 0 | Bran the Builder, Diego
🔘 #20 | 🟨 | 0 | Mardi Gras, Adkin & Matherne
🔘 #21 | 🟨 | 0 | Shark Jaws, Riley
🔘 #22 | 🟨 | 0 | Jym, Griffiths
🔘 #23 | 🟨 | 0 | Larry the Lemon, Aegis
🔘 #24 | 🟨 | 0 | Pong Kombat, Griffiths
🔘 #25 | 🟨 | 0 | Lawn Mow, DeMichelis
🔘 #26 | 🟨 | 0 | Laughing Boy, Gemintronic
🔘 #27 | 🟨 | 0 | Alien Wolf Squisher, Aegis
🔘 #28 | 🟨 | 0 | Jurl, Tonosomo Entertainment
🔘 #29 | 🟨 | 0 | Aww Nuts, Coley & Daihl
🔘 #30 | 🟨 | 0 | Spacetroids, Lane, Lovell & O’Neill
🔘 #31 | 🟨 | 1 | Death Race, Salzman
🔘 #32 | 🟨 | 0 | Asteroid Dodger, CasteSoft Works
🔘 #33 | 🟨 | 0 | Rocket Pod, Hill
🔘 #34 | 🟨 | 0 | Lander, Framke
🔘 #35 | 🟨 | 0 | House of Crack, Drake
🔘 #36 | 🟨 | 0 | Homsar, Tork
🔘 #37 | 🟨 | 0 | Going Over Niagara Falls, Aegis
🔘 #38 | 🟨 | 0 | Maciver, Iron Badger Media
🔘 #39 | 🟨 | 0 | Polybius, Lost Classics
🔘 #40 | 🟨 | 0 | Game Panic, Gemintronic
🔘 #41 | 🟨 | 0 | Ruins, Hahn
🔘 #42 | 🟨 | 0 | Roach Motel, Quimby
🔘 #43 | 🟨 | 0 | Isaiah’s Chase, Aegis
🔘 #44 | 🟨 | 0 | Ima Dyma, Aegis
🔘 #45 | 🟨 | 0 | Cargo, Donnerkuh 🔺
🔘 #46 | 🟨 | 0 | Another Space Game, Aegis
🔘 #47 | 🟨 | 0 | Rain, Aegis
🔘 #48 | 🟨 | 0 | Solar Plexus, Ragan
🔘 #49 | 🟨 | 0 | Beer Mania, Demetrakopoulos
🔘 #50 | 🟨 | 0 | Snow Flakes 3, JC Software
🔘 #51 | 🟨 | 0 | Batari Man, Aegis
🔘 #52 | 🟨 | 0 | Explosive Diarrhea, Aegis
🔘 #53 | 🟨 | 0 | Snappy, Mihai
🔘 #54 | 🟨 | 0 | Gravity Sucks, Halley
🔘 #55 | 🟨 | 0 | Super Trash Truck, Gemintronic
🔘 #56 | 🟨 | 0 | RAM Frog Pond, Skrbina
🔘 #57 | 🟨 | 0 | Hungry Hungry Homer, Rabbit
🔘 #58 | 🟨 | 0 | Baby, Robsome Studios
🔘 #59 | 🟨 | 0 | Star Rescue, Retro Lord
🔘 #60 | 🟨 | 0 | Rollerball, Maximus Games
🔘 #61 | 🟨 | 0 | Newspaper Kid, Rabbit
🎴 Complete-in-Box Arcade Game Originals
Berry Fun!
Candy Catcher
Doggone It
Endless Snow
Fly Hunter
Free Play Florida
Game Panic
Game Panic III
Hunger Shark
Jay Walker
KC Munchkin Monster Maze
Power Off!
Punch Chess
Space Pac-Man
Stay Frosty 2
Super Trash Truck
Up Plus Plus *
*This game is also known as Upp! or Upp! Plus (as opposed to Upp++) per some sources.
Arcade Game Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 5 | Zoo Keeper, Champ
🔰 #02 | 5 | Aardvark, Gutiérrez
🔰 #03 | 4 | Lady Bug Arcade, Champ
🔰 #04 | 0 | Boulder Dash, Jentzsch & Davie
🔰 #05 | 2 | Chaotic Grill, Blackman
🔰 #06 | 4 | Wizard of Wor Arcade, Champ
🔰 #07 | 1 | This Planet Sucks!, Troutman
🔰 #08 | 3 | Boom!, Walton
🔰 #09 | 1 | Squish ’Em, Montgomery
🔰 #10 | 0 | Ninja Block, Kiki Games
🔰 #11 | 3 | Pac-Man 8K, Shay
🔰 #12 | 3 | Pac-Man 4K, Debro
🔰 #13 | 2 | Climber 5, Xype Games
🔰 #14 | 1 | L.E.M., Santellocco
🔰 #15 | 0 | Elevators Amiss, Montgomery
🔰 #16 | 2 | Seawolf, Xype Games
🔰 #17 | 0 | Breakanoid, Babich
🔰 #18 | 0 | Fix-It Felix Sr., Cybearg
🔰 #19 | 0 | Pesco, Ébivision
🔰 #20 | 0 | Space Junk, Words Fail Games
🔰 #21 | 2 | Avalanche, Champ
🔰 #22 | 0 | Shifty Lifty, Adkin
🔰 #23 | 0 | Brik, Jeffreys
🔰 #24 | 1 | Lady Bug, Champ
🔰 #25 | 1 | Lucky Chase, Centeno
🔰 #26 | 0 | Inferno, Maximus Games
🔰 #27 | 0 | Kraken Attack, Salzmafia
🔰 #28 | 1 | Food Ninja, Game Select
🔰 #29 | 1 | Balloon Trip, Bluswimmer
🔰 #30 | 1 | Crazy Balloon, Rotschkar
🔰 #31 | 0 | Berta & the Butterflies, Krysztowiak
Arcade Game Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 0 | Meooow!, Kiki Games
🔘 #02 | 0 | Chipoff, Hahn
🔘 #03 | 0 | Bomberman, Weavil
🔘 #04 | 0 | Circus AtariAge, Johnson
🔘 #05 | 1 | Apple Slayer, Atariando Class
🔘 #06 | 0 | Catch, Littau
🔘 #07 | 1 | Beeware, Zoltán Games
🔘 #08 | 0 | The Hungry Rectangle, Aegis
🔘 #09 | 0 | Go Fish!, Montgomery
🔘 #10 | 0 | Deimos Lander, Banes
🔘 #11 | 0 | Belinoid, Ammann
🔘 #12 | 1 | Dodge It, Xan
🔘 #13 | 0 | Disc Game, Bluswimmer
🔘 #14 | 0 | Miss It!, Smith
🔘 #15 | 0 | Green Hell, Petsas
🔘 #16 | 0 | Vong, Skrbina
🔘 #17 | 0 | Alien Greed 5, Aegis
🔘 #18 | 0 | Head Kicker, Aegis
🔘 #19 | 0 | Nut Kicker, Retro Lord Games
🆎 Game Associations
🟩 Aardvark, Anteater
🟪 Alien Greed 5, Kaboom!
🟦 Apple Slayer, Fruit Ninja
🟩 Avalanche, Avalanche
🟦 Balloon Trip, Balloon Fight
🟫 Beeware, Killer Bees
🟪 Belinoid, Breakout
🟫 Berta & the Butterflies, Egg
🟦 Bomberman, Bomberman
🟦 Boom!, Bomberman
🟦 Boulder Dash, Boulder Dash
🟦 Breakanoid, Arkanoid
🟪 Brik, Breakout
🟫 Catch, Blip!
🟪 Chaotic Grill, BurgerTime
🟪 Chipoff, Breakout
🟪 Circus AtariAge, Circus Atari
🟫 Climber 5, Atari Climber
🟩 Crazy Balloon, Crazy Balloon
🟩 Deimos Lander, Lunar Lander
🟫 Disc Game, Dodge It
🟫 Dodge It, Dodge It
🟫 Elevators Amiss, Elevator Repairman
🟦 Fix-It Felix Sr., Fix-It Felix Jr.
🟦 Food Ninja, Fruit Ninja
🟫 Go Fish!, Shark! Shark!
🟦 Green Hell, Green Hell
🟫 Head Kicker, Head Kicker
🟫 The Hungry Rectangle, Snake
🟪 Inferno, Towering Inferno
🟦 Kraken Attack, Octopus
🟩 L.E.M., Lunar Lander
🟩 Lady Bug, Lady Bug
🟩 Lady Bug Arcade, Lady Bug
🟫 Lucky Chase, Lock n’ Chase
🟪 Meooow!, Kaboom!
🟦 Miss It!, Dodge It
🟦 Ninja Block, Shuriken Block
🟪 Pac-Man 4K, Pac-Man
🟪 Pac-Man 8K, Pac-Man
🟪 Pesco, Pac-Man
🟩 Seawolf, Seawolf
🟫 Shifty Lifty, Nifty Lifty
🟪 Space Junk, Solar Fox
🟫 Squish ’Em, Squish ’Em
🟩 This Planet Sucks!, Lunar Rescue
🟪 Vong, Pong
🟪 Wizard of Wor Arcade, Wizard of Wor
🟩 Zoo Keeper, Zoo Keeper
🎴 Complete-in-Box Arcade Game Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
Alien Greed 5
Berta & the Butterflies
Boulder Dash
Climber 5
Crazy Balloon
Food Ninja
Lady Bug
Lady Bug Arcade
Pac-Man 4K
Wizard of Wor Arcade
Zoo Keeper
✴️ Atari Award Notables
Dodge It
Lady Bug Arcade
Lucky Chase
Wizard of Wor Arcade
Arcade Games: Versus Multiplayer Games
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
📘 #01 | 🟨 | 2 | Refhraktor, Christianson
📘 #02 | 🟨 | 1 | Refraction, Landsteiner
📘 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Breakback, Anderson & Boyce
📘 #04 | 🟪 | 0 | The Core 2, Jentzsch
📘 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Paddlefield, Jentzsch
🗨️ #01 | 🟨 | 1 | Block In, Patel
🗨️ #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Mondo Pong, Cavina
🗨️ #03 | 🟨 | 0 | PWRIOAITMOTPF, Hicks
🗨️ #04 | 🟨 | 0 | SuperPong, Dracon
🗨️ #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Traffic Cop, Hill
🗨️ #06 | 🟩 | 0 | Color Gotcha, Dracon
🗨️ #07 | 🟨 | 0 | Battle Pong, Fu & Frederick
🗨️ #08 | 🟩 | 1 | Arcade Pong, Galloway
🗨️ #09 | 🟨 | 0 | Black Friday, Tatum & Wick
🗨️ #10 | 🟨 | 0 | Chase It!, Smith
Arcade Games: Cooperative Multiplayer Games
📘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Atomic Disco, West
🆎 Game Associations
🟩 Arcade Pong, Pong
🟩 Color Gotcha, Gotcha
🟪 The Core 2, The Core
🎴 Complete-in-Box Multiplayer Arcade Games
Traffic Cop
Art & Music Cart Rankings
All Art Carts
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Hot Lava, Risch
🔰 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Seven-Color Kern, Payson
🔰 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Draw, Quimby
Art Carts: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Double Click Draw Special, Hahn
🔘 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Double Click Draw, Fort Apocalypse
All Music Carts
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Bassaluxion, Kulor
🔰 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Smells Like TIA Spirit, Atari Senior Riot
🔰 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Tunes, Montgomery
🔰 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | ROD TV, Montgomery
🔰 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Gilgamesh, Montgomery
🔰 #06 | 🟨 | 0 | Song Player, Slocum
🔰 #07 | 🟨 | 0 | Silver Bride, Zoltán Games
🔰 #08 | 🟨 | 0 | Better Than Pitfall II, Payson
Music Carts: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Atar, Fort Apocalypse
🔘 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Music Maker, Aegis
🔘 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Drumma, Israel
🔘 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | 2600 Solar System, Rittershaus
🔘 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Dr. Phucker, Battle of the Bits
Music Carts: Versus Multiplayer Games
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
📘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Crazy Tunes, Johnson
Card & Table Game Rankings
Card & Table Game Originals
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 🟨 | 1 | Blackjack Theta VIII, Gilmour
🔰 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | 21 Blue, RevEng 🅰️
🔰 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Free Play Florida, Cybertron Games
🔰 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Poker Squares, Watson
🔰 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Euchre, Eid
🔰 #06 | 🟨 | 0 | Domino, Jab Games
🔰 #07 | 🟨 | 0 | Yahtzee, Babylon
🔰 #08 | 🟨 | 0 | Dominant Amber, Skrbina
🔰 #09 | 🟨 | 0 | Scissor Rock Paper, Jab Games
🔰 #10 | 🟨 | 0 | Repeater, Zero Games
🔰 #11 | 🟨 | 0 | Video Simon, De Smet
🔰 #12 | 🟨 | 0 | Cribbage Square, Hotrod Games
Card & Table Game Originals: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Roulette, Aegis
🔘 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Rock Paper Scissors Fight, Weavil
🔘 #03 | 🟨 | 1 | Solo Mah Jong, Domeshtan Games
🔘 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Skee Ball, Salzman
🔘 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Connect the Dots, Valdes
🔘 #06 | 🟨 | 0 | Dreidel, Garrison
🔘 #07 | 🟨 | 0 | Simple Simon, Teitelbaum
🔘 #08 | 🟨 | 0 | Tic-Tac-Toe, Aegis
🔘 #09 | 🟨 | 0 | Atom Chess, Gutiérrez
🔘 #10 | 🟨 | 0 | Smiley Simon, Jentzsch
🔘 #11 | 🟨 | 0 | Dramanoes, Lowrey
🔘 #12 | 🟨 | 0 | Simon Says Touch Me, Babich
🎴 Complete-in-Box Card & Table Game Originals
21 Blue
Card & Table Game Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | Four-Play, Matley
🆎 Game Associations
🟫 Four-Play, Connect Four
Card & Table Games: Versus Multiplayer Games
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
📘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Beer Pong, Smith
🗨️ #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Isolate, TN Games
🗨️ #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Mental Kombat, Quernhorst
🎴 Complete-in-Box Multiplayer Card & Table Games
Mental Kombat
Endless Runner Rankings
On the Atari 2600, the “endless runner” genre includes both (a) games with the appearance of scrolling and (b) certain single-screen games that can only be won through constant movement. Another component is the lack of offensive capabilities; the player can only react to obstacles.
Original Endless Runners
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 🟨 | 2 | I Ran, VHZC
🔰 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Danny, Pilgrim
🔰 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | No Touchy, Pilgrim
🔰 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Diamond Drop, Maximus Games
🔰 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Intruders, Skyline
🔰 #06 | 🟨 | 0 | Flap Ninja, Kiki Games
🔰 #07 | 🟨 | 0 | Escape From Kukuku Temple, Adkin
🔰 #08 | 🟨 | 0 | Quantum Tunnel, West
🔰 #09 | 🟨 | 0 | PacLines, Jentzsch
🔰 #10 | 🟨 | 0 | Gyvolver, Hahn
🔰 #11 | 🟨 | 0 | Acid Fish, Setnicky
🔰 #12 | 🟨 | 0 | Huey’s Party, Main
🔰 #13 | 🟨 | 1 | Reindeer Rescue, Montgomery
🔰 #14 | 🟨 | 0 | Walls of Nibiru, Carlsson
🔰 #15 | 🟨 | 0 | Jump, Jeffreys
🔰 #16 | 🟨 | 0 | Melbourne Tatty, Griffiths
🔰 #17 | 🟨 | 0 | Doom House, Yanetti
🔰 #18 | 🟨 | 0 | Dwarf, Memelvar
🔰 #19 | 🟨 | 1 | Spaceman Splorf, Gustafsson
🔰 #20 | 🟨 | 0 | Gatecrasher Mellowmix, Babich
🔰 #21 | 🟨 | 0 | Dog Walk, Vojta
🔰 #22 | 🟨 | 0 | Christmas Inertia, Babich
🔰 #23 | 🟨 | 0 | Library of Doom, Aegis
🔰 #24 | 🟨 | 0 | Atomic Meltdown, Thienemann
🔰 #25 | 🟨 | 1 | Monkey King, Pietrow
🔰 #26 | 🟨 | 0 | I Project, Quernhorst
🔰 #27 | 🟨 | 0 | Runner, Rabbit
🔰 #28 | 🟨 | 0 | Ultimate Cyclist, Fallen Apart Games
🔰 #29 | 🟨 | 0 | Jack & the Beanstalk, Aegis
Original Endless Runners: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Running Man, Montgomery
🔘 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Run!, Broch & Bucket
🔘 #03 | 🟨 | 1 | Asteroid Rescue, Adkin
🔘 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Copter Commander, Trusty
🔘 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Chimney Test, Giegerich & Hahn
🔘 #06 | 🟨 | 0 | New Cave, Tumber
🔘 #07 | 🟨 | 0 | Ants, Aegis
🔘 #08 | 🟨 | 0 | PotHole, Shea
🔘 #09 | 🟨 | 0 | Whitewater Madness, Aegis
🔘 #10 | 🟨 | 0 | Bird Brain, Risch
🔘 #11 | 🟨 | 0 | Ms. Snake, Olmisani
🔘 #12 | 🟨 | 0 | Balloon Girl, Gemintronic
🔘 #13 | 🟨 | 0 | Lyra Dash, Oasys
🔘 #14 | 🟨 | 0 | Falldown, Orchard
🔘 #15 | 🟨 | 0 | Island Run, Durabun
🔘 #16 | 🟨 | 0 | Alien Greed, Aegis
🔘 #17 | 🟨 | 0 | Super Primate Sphere, Rabbit
🔘 #18 | 🟨 | 0 | Schoolbus, Fort Apocalypse
🔘 #19 | 🟨 | 0 | Failboat, Holland
🔘 #20 | 🟨 | 0 | Nanowing, Shea
🎴 Complete-in-Box Original Endless Runners
I Project
Quantum Tunnel
Spaceman Splorf: Planet of Doom
Tower of Rubble
Endless Runner Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 3 | Tower of Rubble, Olsthoorn
🔰 #02 | 1 | Pas de Deux, Jentzsch
🔰 #03 | 3 | Dare Devil, MuddyVision
🔰 #04 | 0 | AVCStec Challenge, Quernhorst
🔰 #05 | 0 | Flappy, Haas
🔰 #06 | 0 | Toobin’, Aegis
Endless Runner Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes: Honorable Mentions
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔘 #01 | 0 | Splatform, Jentzsch
🔘 #02 | 1 | Water Diver, Zdan
🔘 #03 | 0 | Cave, Jentzsch
🔘 #04 | 1 | Paul’s Happybird, Steux
🔘 #05 | 0 | Flappy the Duck, Shea
🆎 Game Associations
🟫 AVCStec Challenge, Aztec Challenge
🟪 Dare Devil, Parachute
🟦 Flappy the Duck, Flappy Bird
🟦 Pas de Deux, Duet
🟦 Paul’s Happybird, Flappy Bird
🟫 Splatform, Splatform
🟦 Toobin’, Toobin’
🟦 Tower of Rubble, Tower of Rubble
🟫 Water Diver, Water Diver
🎴 Complete-in-Box Endless Runner Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
AVCStec Challenge
Dare Devil
✴️ Atari Award Notables
Paul’s Happybird
Endless Runners: Versus Multiplayer Games
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
📘 #01 | 🟨 | 1 | Chaser, Garrison
📘 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Fall Down, Curtis
🗨️ #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Tag, Rideout
🗨️ #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Escape It!, Alan W. Smith
Fighting Game Rankings
Fighting games are distinguished from shooters or arcade games by virtue of featuring a one-on-one tilt between a protagonist and a antagonist, regardless of the weapons they fight with. They are distinguishable from multiplayer games because they allow a player to play against a computer opponent.
Fighting Game Originals
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Warring Worms, Baroque Gaming *
🔰 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Santa’s Scabs, J. Kitchen
🔰 #03 | 🟨 | 2 | Cannonhead Clash, Bluswimmer
🔰 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Circus Galacticus, J. Kitchen
🔰 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Flip Out, Park
🔰 #06 | 🟨 | 2 | Razor’s Edge, Santiago
🔰 #07 | 🟨 | 0 | Ninjoso, Donsoft Entertainment
🔰 #08 | 🟨 | 2 | Gunfight, Rotschkar
🔰 #09 | 🟨 | 0 | Karate Master, Kennedy
🔰 #10 | 🟨 | 0 | WATA Invaders!, Pryor
🔰 #11 | 🟨 | 0 | Pigs in the Castle, Ferretti
🔰 #12 | 🟨 | 0 | The Siege of von Danken Tower, Perry
🔰 #13 | 🟨 | 0 | Anti-Hero, Hanson-Kahn & Hua
🔰 #14 | 🟨 | 0 | Disc Donk, Best Games
🔰 #15 | 🟨 | 2 | Kung Fu Combat 2, Smith & Mosley
*Compo edition.
Original Fighting Games: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Loaded 4 Bear, Israel
🔘 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Death Match, Zoltán Games
🔘 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Happy Bear Smackdown, Fort Apocalypse
🔘 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | M-4, Montgomery
🔘 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | i, Aegis
🔘 #06 | 🟨 | 0 | Fishy, Shea
🔘 #07 | 🟨 | 0 | Aces, Cerra
🔘 #08 | 🟨 | 0 | Tank Ovni, BR Games
🎴 Complete-in-Box Fighting Game Originals
Cannonhead Clash
Kung Fu Combat 2
Fighting Game Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 1 | FlapPing, Israel
🆎 Game Associations
🟫 FlapPing, Joust and Pong
Fighting Games: Versus Multiplayer Games
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
📘 #01 | 🟦 | 0 | Mortal Kombat, Ivancil Games
📘 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | RC Sumo Bots, Garrison
📘 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Dungeon Gladiator, Exender
📘 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Build or Die, O’Rear & Barnes
📘 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Jupiter Sumo, Boomlin
🗨️ #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Divekick, Bluswimmer
🗨️ #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Bushido, Carlgren
🗨️ #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Trogdor, McMurray & Morrell
🗨️ #04 | 🟨 | 1 | Book of Five Rings, Manning
🗨️ #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Alien v. Predator, Champion & Berry
🗨️ #06 | 🟨 | 0 | Atario Party, Brown & Chakrabarty
🗨️ #07 | 🟨 | 0 | Stick Tag, Smilure Games
🆎 Game Associations
🟦 Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat
Kids Game Rankings
Original Kids Games
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
*Requires use of the Atari Kids’ Controller.
Platformer Rankings
Original Platformers
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Tumble Temple, Bluswimmer
🔰 #02 | 🟨 | 3 | Ninjish Guy in Low-Res World, VHZC
🔰 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Wall Jump Ninja, Walaber
🔰 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Robo Tito, VHZC
🔰 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Panky the Panda, Larson
🔰 #06 | 🟨 | 0 | Cave Raider, Maximus Games
🔰 #07 | 🟨 | 0 | Blinky Goes Up, Hermanns
🔰 #08 | 🟨 | 0 | Mr. Run and Jump, Mikula
🔰 #09 | 🟨 | 2 | Caramojo, Kiki Games
🔰 #10 | 🟨 | 1 | Robo-Ninja Climb, Tolbert
🔰 #11 | 🟨 | 1 | Hunchy II, Walton
🔰 #12 | 🟨 | 0 | Sand Castles, Shea
🔰 #13 | 🟨 | 0 | Meooow! 2, Kiki Games
🔰 #14 | 🟨 | 1 | Fallpit!, Cisano
🔰 #15 | 🟨 | 0 | Adventures of the 50-Foot-Tall Stalk of Celery, Aegis
🔰 #16 | 🟨 | 2 | Plague, Zoltán Games
🔰 #17 | 🟨 | 0 | The Goons, Riley
🔰 #18 | 🟨 | 0 | NightRider, Walton
🔰 #19 | 🟨 | 0 | Kirby, Aegis
🔰 #20 | 🟨 | 0 | Jump! Jump!, Rabbit
🔰 #21 | 🟨 | 0 | Because It’s There, Griffiths
🔰 #22 | 🟨 | 0 | Man Goes Down, Hebert
🔰 #23 | 🟨 | 0 | Gingerbread Man, Quimby
🔰 #24 | 🟨 | 0 | Castle of Doom, Aegis
🔰 #25 | 🟨 | 0 | The Wicked Father, Hamshere
🔰 #26 | 🟨 | 0 | Alfred Challenge, Ébivision
🔰 #27 | 🟨 | 1 | Sheep It Up, Ludos
🔰 #28 | 🟨 | 0 | Jungle Monkey, Aegis
Platformer Originals: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | The Santuci Sisters, Gemintronic
🔘 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Terrance & Phillip, Aegis
🔘 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | George, Aegis
🔘 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Pixel Ninja Pit Jumper, Sknarp Games
🔘 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Kelly Kangaroo, Denebola
🔘 #06 | 🟨 | 1 | It’s Conner Time 2, Ecernosoft
🔘 #07 | 🟨 | 0 | Floyd the Flea, Aegis
🎴 Complete-in-Box Original Platformers
Alfred Challenge
Alien Abduction!
Blinky Goes Up
Mr. Run and Jump
Ninjish Guy in Low-Res World
Panky the Panda
Wall Jump Ninja
Platformer Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 8 | Mappy, Champ
🔰 #02 | 4 | Elevator Agent, Champ
🔰 #03 | 4 | Bot & Tom, Jentzsch
🔰 #04 | 1 | Paint the City, Blackman
🔰 #05 | 3 | Donkey Kong Arcade, Haas
🔰 #06 | 3 | Donkey Kong VCS, Musashi
🔰 #07 | 2 | Lode Runner, Olsthoorn
🔰 #08 | 3 | Amoeba Jump, Olsthoorn
🔰 #09 | 1 | Zkeep, Kluczek
🔰 #10 | 5 | Ruby*Q, Mogno
🔰 #11 | 0 | Handy Pick Hank, Tactical Neuronics
🔰 #12 | 3 | Zippy the Porcupine, Spry
🔰 #13 | 2 | Space Taxi, Haber
🔰 #14 | 0 | Jumper, Maximus Games
🔰 #15 | 0 | Bell Hopper, Hardin
🔰 #16 | 2 | Princess Rescue, Spry
🔰 #17 | 1 | Bomb Jack, Sherman
🔰 #18 | 0 | Monkey Drop, Maximus Games
🔰 #19 | 0 | Hunchy, Walton
Platformer Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 0 | Super Portals 6, Hinchliffe
🆎 Game Associations
🟦 Amoeba Jump, Doodle Jump
🟦 Bell Hopper, Winterbells
🟦 Bomb Jack, Mighty Bomb Jack
🟫 Bot & Tom, Top & Tom
🟪 Donkey Kong Arcade, Donkey Kong
🟪 Donkey Kong VCS, Donkey Kong
🟦 Elevator Agent, Elevator Action
🟫 Handy Pick Hank, Pick Axe Pete
🟩 Hunchy, Hunchback
🟫 Jumper, Jumpman
🟫 Lode Runner, Lode Runner
🟦 Mappy, Mappy
🟦 Monkey Drop, Primate Plunge
🟦 Paint the City, City Connection
🟦 Princess Rescue, Super Mario Bros.
🟪 Ruby*Q, Q*bert
🟫 Space Taxi, Space Taxi
🟦 Super Portals 6, Portal
🟦 Zippy the Porcupine, Sonic the Hedgehog
🟫 Zkeep, Yoomp!
🎴 Complete-in-Box Platformer Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
Amoeba Jump
Bell Hopper
Bot & Tom
Elevator Agent
Lode Runner
Princess Rescue
Space Taxi
Zippy the Porcupine
✴️ Atari Award Notables
Amoeba Jump
Elevator Agent
Lode Runner
Puzzle Game Rankings
Puzzle Game Originals
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 🟨 | 3 | Slide Boy in Maze Land, VHZC *
🔰 #02 | 🟨 | 1 | Hugohunt, Angelsoft
🔰 #03 | 🟨 | 1 | RoboMechanik, Kluczek
🔰 #04 | 🟨 | 1 | K-Jo Chases the Cheese, Santiago
🔰 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Shades, Playsoft
🔰 #06 | 🟨 | 1 | Frazzled, Marli
🔰 #07 | 🟨 | 1 | Steps, Christianson
🔰 #08 | 🟨 | 1 | Kovi Kovi, Johannes
🔰 #09 | 🟨 | 0 | Bounce!, Zavagli
🔰 #10 | 🟨 | 0 | Lupin 3, Jab Games
🔰 #11 | 🟨 | 0 | Tray 4, Jab Games
🔰 #12 | 🟨 | 0 | Elevator, Jab Games
🔰 #13 | 🟨 | 0 | Wet Paint, Pilgrim
🔰 #14 | 🟨 | 1 | Assembloids, Wendt
🔰 #15 | 🟨 | 0 | Halloween Havoc, Aegis
🔰 #16 | 🟨 | 0 | Skull Island, Setnicky
🔰 #17 | 🟨 | 0 | Palomino, Serra
🔰 #18 | 🟨 | 0 | Mastermind DX, Freeman
🔰 #19 | 🟨 | 0 | Matchie, Payson
🔰 #20 | 🟨 | 0 | upDown, Jab Games
🔰 #21 | 🟨 | 0 | Raster Fahndung, Quernhorst
🔰 #22 | 🟨 | 0 | Encaved, Simon
🔰 #23 | 🟨 | 0 | Sokoban, Pater
🔰 #24 | 🟨 | 0 | Chunkout, Todd
Puzzle Game Originals: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Marble Jumper, Matley
🔘 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Okie Dokie, Colbert
🔘 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Knight Jumper, Zach
🔘 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Memory, Jab Games
🔘 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Hanoi, JH Games
🔘 #06 | 🟨 | 0 | Mimpy, Aegis
🔘 #07 | 🟨 | 0 | King Solomon’s Mines, GFVH
🎴 Complete-in-Box Puzzle Game Originals
K-Jo Chases the Cheese
Raster Fahndung
Slide Boy in Maze Land
✴️ Atari Award Notables
K-Jo Chases the Cheese
Kovi Kovi
Slide Boy in Maze Land
*This homebrew was re-released—with updated graphics and an additional play mode—for the Atari 7800. The image atop this section of the rankings is of the 7800 version.
Puzzle Game Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 1 | Pitkat, Johannes
🔰 #02 | 4 | Qyx, Champ
🔰 #03 | 0 | Strat-O-Gems, Payson
🔰 #04 | 0 | AStar, Curtis
🔰 #05 | 1 | Qb, Xype Games
🔰 #06 | 1 | Push, Clark
🔰 #07 | 0 | Chetiry, Walton
🔰 #08 | 0 | 2048, Duarte Do Nascimento
🔰 #09 | 0 | THREE·S, Jentzsch
🔰 #10 | 1 | Jammed, Jentzsch
🔰 #11 | 0 | Cubis, Stolberg
🔰 #12 | 0 | Wumpus Hunt, Montgomery
🔰 #13 | 0 | Edtris, Federmeyer
🔰 #14 | 1 | Words, Garrison
🔰 #15 | 1 | Word Guess, Blackman
🔰 #16 | 0 | Blocks, Haber & Knol
🔰 #17 | 0 | Minesweeper, Gust
Puzzle Game Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 0 | Tetris 26, Hughes
🔘 #02 | 0 | Minesweeper, Davie
🔘 #03 | 0 | Crazy Valet, Prescott
🆎 Game Associations
🟦 2048, 2048
🟫 AStar, D-Star
🟦 Blocks, Bejeweled
🟦 Chetiry, Tetris
🟦 Crazy Valet, Rush Hour
🟦 Cubis, Tetris
🟦 Edtris, Tetris
🟦 Jammed, Rush Hour
🟦 Minesweeper, Minesweeper
🟦 Pitkat, Pitman
🟦 Push, Tetris DS
🟫 Qb, Qb
🟫 Qyx, Qix
🟦 Strat-O-Gems, Columns
🟦 THREE·S, Threes
🟦 Words, Wordle
🟦 Word Guess, Wordle
🟪 Wumpus Hunt, Hunt the Wumpus
🎴 Complete-in-Box Puzzle Game Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
✴️ Atari Award Notables
Puzzle Games: Versus Multiplayer Games
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
📘 #01 | 🟦 | 0 | 2600tris, Aegis
📘 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | The Wall, Jab Games
📘 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | K-Tron Light Cycles, Sabo
🆎 Game Associations
🟦 2600tris, Tetris
Racing Game Rankings
Racing Game Originals
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 🟨 | 1 | Marble Craze, Xype Games
🔰 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Stellar Drive 2, Kiki Games
🔰 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Low Res Car, VHZC
🔰 #04 | 🟨 | 2 | Vroom!, Jentzsch
🔰 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Street Rod, Quinlan
🔰 #06 | 🟨 | 0 | Stellar Drive, Kiki Games
🔰 #07 | 🟨 | 1 | Hellway, Bokel
🔰 #08 | 🟨 | 1 | Tyre Trax, MuddyVision
🔰 #09 | 🟨 | 0 | Turbo, Maximus Games
🔰 #10 | 🟨 | 0 | Arctic Landtran, Awarisoft
🔰 #11 | 🟨 | 0 | Tint, Serra
🔰 #12 | 🟨 | 0 | Gate Racer, Maximus Games
🔰 #13 | 🟨 | 0 | Joy Ride, Cybearg
🔰 #14 | 🟨 | 0 | Road Duel, S.W. Smith
🔰 #15 | 🟨 | 0 | Drive!, Wilson
🔰 #16 | 🟨 | 0 | Rally Racer, More Work
🔰 #17 | 🟨 | 0 | Drag Racing, Maximus Games
🔰 #18 | 🟨 | 0 | Dead Road, Lord
Racing Game Originals: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Neon Run, Carlgren
🔘 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Car Race, Xan
🔘 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Dragon Racer, Furmanski
🔘 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Superbug, Quimby
🔘 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Slicks Racing, Nedvěd
🔘 #06 | 🟨 | 0 | Road Warriors, Lost Classics
🔘 #07 | 🟨 | 0 | Twisty Passages, Quimby
🔘 #08 | 🟨 | 0 | Zombie Road Kill, Gemintronic
🔘 #09 | 🟨 | 0 | Las Vizcachas, JF Games
🔘 #10 | 🟨 | 0 | Plane Racer, Olioni Games
🔘 #11 | 🟨 | 0 | RAM Racer, Montgomery
🔘 #12 | 🟨 | 0 | Sunset Forest Rider, GFVH
🔘 #13 | 🟨 | 0 | Tower Zone, Bont
🔘 #14 | 🟨 | 0 | F40, Rastignac
🎴 Complete-in-Box Racing Game Originals
Marble Craze
Rally Racer
Road Warriors
Zombie Road Kill
Racing Game Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 4 | Turbo Arcade, Champ
🔰 #02 | 0 | Wipeout, Retro Lord
🆎 Game Associations
🟩 Turbo Arcade, Turbo
🟦 Wipeout, Wipeout
🎴 Complete-in-Box Racing Game Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
Turbo Arcade
✴️ Atari Award Notables
Turbo Arcade
Racing Games: Versus Multiplayer Games
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🗨️ #01 | 🟨 | 1 | Go-B, Swisshelm & Kinsey
🎴 Complete-in-Box Multiplayer Racing Games
Rhythm Game Rankings
Original Rhythm Games
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Flop Band, Calby
🔰 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Passthrough, Friedel
🔰 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | DigiBeatz, Blackman
🔰 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Jitter, Serra
🔰 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Flow, Serra
🔰 #06 | 🟨 | 0 | Moth, Serra
🔰 #07 | 🟨 | 0 | Stack, Bluswimmer
🔰 #08 | 🟨 | 0 | Kuru Kuru Tsuchinoko, Pilgrim
🔰 #09 | 🟨 | 0 | Discarded Hero, Nooly
🔰 #10 | 🟨 | 0 | Numbers Game, Main
🔰 #11 | 🟨 | 0 | Alien Pinball, Riley
🔰 #12 | 🟨 | 1 | Do Re Mi: Halloween, VHZC
🔰 #13 | 🟨 | 1 | Do Re Mi, VHZC
🔰 #14 | 🟨 | 0 | Assembly Line, Skrbina
🔰 #15 | 🟨 | 0 | Mantra, Serra
Original Rhythm Games: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Dance, Primordial Ooze
Rhythm Game Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 0 | Stacker, Aegis
🔰 #02 | 0 | Pressure Gauge, Harvey
🆎 Game Associations
🟦 Pressure Gauge, Brave Fencer Musashi *
🟩 Stacker, Stacker
🎴 Complete-in-Box Rhythm Game Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
*From a minigame that appears in the 1998 PlayStation game Brave Fencer Musashi.
Rhythm Games: Versus Multiplayer Games
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
📘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Top Rock, St. John
📘 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Dancer, Clark
🗨️ #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Duck Race, Fort Apocalypse
RPG Rankings
Original RPGs
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 🟨 | 3 | Penult, Garrison
🔰 #02 | 🟨 | 3 | Dark Keep, Smith
🔰 #03 | 🟨 | 1 | Pantheon II, Indovina
🔰 #04 | 🟨 | 1 | Dungeon, Weavil
🔰 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Goblin Sword, Indovina
🔰 #06 | 🟨 | 2 | Grizzards, Pocock
🔰 #07 | 🟨 | 1 | Dungeon II: Solstice, Weavil
🔰 #08 | 🟨 | 1 | Sword of Surtr, Stermer
🔰 #09 | 🟨 | 0 | Text Adventure, Indovina
🔰 #10 | 🟨 | 0 | Pantheon, Indovina
🔰 #11 | 🟨 | 1 | Laserface Planet, Brouillet
🔰 #12 | 🟨 | 0 | Local Hero, Indovina
Original RPGs: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Stellar Overlord, Collins
🔘 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Hero’s Journey, Indovina
🔘 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Dark Mage, Troutman
🔘 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Radiant Force, Master Programmer Games
🎴 Complete-in-Box Original RPGs
Dungeon II: Solstice
✴️ Atari Award Notables
Dark Keep
Sword of Surtr
RPG Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 0 | Anguna, Tolbert
RPG Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 0 | Adventureland, Illingworth
🆎 Game Associations
🟫 Adventureland, Adventureland
🟦 Anguna, Anguna: Warriors of Virtue
🎴 Complete-in-Box RPG Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
Shooter Rankings
Original Third-Person Shooters
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 🟨 | 3 | Raptor, Pauley
🔰 #02 | 🟨 | 3 | Tober’s Nightmare, Crocker
🔰 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Alien Holocaust II, Bitnamic
🔰 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Project Z, FLB Games
🔰 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Omicron, Serra
🔰 #06 | 🟨 | 1 | Space Game, Garrison
🔰 #07 | 🟨 | 1 | Asteroids Attack, Game Select
🔰 #08 | 🟨 | 0 | Galactopus, Pryor
🔰 #09 | 🟨 | 0 | Spider Web, Dalrymple
🔰 #10 | 🟨 | 0 | Aliens, Plasma Guns & Chewing Gum, Ronne
🔰 #11 | 🟨 | 1 | Immunity, Losh
🔰 #12 | 🟨 | 1 | Lead, Serra
🔰 #13 | 🟨 | 0 | Space Cactus Canyon, Best Games
🔰 #14 | 🟨 | 0 | Plan B: Escape Earth, Bachman
🔰 #15 | 🟨 | 1 | Cannonica, VHZC
🔰 #16 | 🟨 | 0 | Oh Shoot!, Meyer
🔰 #17 | 🟨 | 2 | Oystron, Xype Games
🔰 #18 | 🟨 | 2 | Mr. Yo-Yo, Marli
🔰 #19 | 🟨 | 3 | Robot City, Jentzsch
🔰 #20 | 🟨 | 0 | Allia Quest, Ébivision
🔰 #21 | 🟨 | 0 | Seaweed Assault, Hahn
🔰 #22 | 🟨 | 1 | Stardust, Shea
🔰 #23 | 🟨 | 0 | Cyber Willy, Gemintronic
🔰 #24 | 🟨 | 0 | Rocket Command, Quimby
🔰 #25 | 🟨 | 0 | Alien Ooze, Dingus
🔰 #26 | 🟨 | 0 | Naughty List, Saarna
🔰 #27 | 🟨 | 0 | UFO, Tactical Neuronics
🔰 #28 | 🟨 | 1 | Minigun Miner, Ludos
🔰 #29 | 🟨 | 0 | Bombs Away, Maximus Games
🔰 #30 | 🟨 | 1 | Zarkstars: Deep Space, Skyline
🔰 #31 | 🟨 | 0 | Sky Saviour, Flump Studios
🔰 #32 | 🟨 | 0 | Lunokhod, Trent
🔰 #33 | 🟨 | 1 | Orbital War, Skyline
🔰 #34 | 🟨 | 1 | Escape From Mars, Skyline
🔰 #35 | 🟨 | 1 | Zarkstars: Ground Force, Skyline
🔰 #36 | 🟨 | 0 | Space Raid, Suntek
🔰 #37 | 🟨 | 0 | Point Zero, Knight
🔰 #38 | 🟨 | 0 | Torpedo Torpor, Trust
🔰 #39 | 🟨 | 0 | Brawdy, Tazrog
🔰 #40 | 🟨 | 1 | Ethereum, Saarna
🔰 #41 | 🟨 | 1 | Railslider, Carlsson
🔰 #42 | 🟨 | 2 | A Roach in Space, VHZC
🔰 #43 | 🟨 | 2 | Spiders & Flies, Game Select
🔰 #44 | 🟨 | 0 | The Battle of Midway, Collins
🔰 #45 | 🟨 | 0 | Jutland Skies, Kiki Games
🔰 #46 | 🟨 | 0 | Ronister in Space, Era Games
🔰 #47 | 🟨 | 0 | The Horde, West
🔰 #48 | 🟨 | 0 | Fallout, Bryant
🔰 #49 | 🟨 | 0 | Bifröst, Weavil
🔰 #50 | 🟨 | 0 | Space Barricade, Lotto
🔰 #51 | 🟨 | 1 | Ms. Galactopus, Pryor
🔰 #52 | 🟨 | 0 | Tombstones, Best Games
🔰 #53 | 🟨 | 0 | Dorothy X, Aubuchon
🔰 #54 | 🟨 | 0 | The Final D, Kiki Games
🔰 #55 | 🟨 | 0 | Bomber, Wiggins, Yutko & Yoo
🔰 #56 | 🟨 | 0 | Monster’s Revenge, Smith *
🔰 #57 | 🟨 | 0 | Alien Revenge!, Smith
🔰 #58 | 🟨 | 0 | 1775, Weavil
🔰 #59 | 🟨 | 0 | Plops, Moog
🔰 #60 | 🟨 | 0 | Denderes Violence, Lord
🔰 #61 | 🟨 | 0 | RVG Blast, Gemintronic
🔰 #62 | 🟨 | 0 | MidSpace, Aegis
🔰 #63 | 🟨 | 0 | Sharkstorm, Gemintronic
🔰 #64 | 🟨 | 0 | Space Battle, Neuman
🔰 #65 | 🟨 | 1 | Dragon Defense, Frisbee
🔰 #66 | 🟨 | 0 | Hacker Face, Robot Games
🔰 #67 | 🟨 | 0 | Road Blaster, Maximus Games
🔰 #68 | 🟨 | 0 | Z1B, Donsoft Entertainment
🔰 #69 | 🟨 | 0 | Krypton, Fenner
🔰 #70 | 🟨 | 0 | Alien Attack, Smith
🔰 #71 | 🟨 | 0 | SpaceShip, Kamaleon Games
🔰 #72 | 🟨 | 1 | Duelo, Leitão
🔰 #73 | 🟨 | 0 | Wizards & Dinosaurs, Kenney
🔰 #74 | 🟨 | 0 | Scrollanoid, Babich
🔰 #75 | 🟨 | 0 | Attack of the Mighty Aliens, Kozlowski
Original Third-Person Shooters: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Xela, Aegis
🔘 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | N.E.R.D.S., Dieter & Cope
🔘 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | ISS, Donnerkuh
🔘 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Shadow Reflex, MCP90 Games
🔘 #05 | 🟨 | 1 | Zarkstars: Space Saga, Skyline
🔘 #06 | 🟨 | 0 | Acid Trip, Gray Games
🔘 #07 | 🟨 | 0 | Backfire, Chadivision
🔘 #08 | 🟨 | 0 | Estar Guars, JF Games
🔘 #09 | 🟨 | 0 | Potato Chips En Masse, Aegis
🔘 #10 | 🟨 | 0 | BLT Blast, Gemintronic
🔘 #11 | 🟨 | 0 | Shoot the Bs, Aegis
🔘 #12 | 🟨 | 0 | Nite Bear, Gemintronic
🔘 #13 | 🟨 | 0 | Cow, Riley
🔘 #14 | 🟨 | 0 | Strip Off 2, Tactical Neuronics
🔘 #15 | 🟨 | 0 | Shield Shifter, Tactical Neuronics
🔘 #16 | 🟨 | 0 | Alien Adventures, Lost Classics
🔘 #17 | 🟨 | 0 | RVG Blast 2, Gemintronic
🔘 #18 | 🟨 | 0 | Stake Toss, Sknarp Games
🔘 #19 | 🟨 | 0 | Francis Ichabod Cranium 8, Aegis
🔘 #20 | 🟨 | 1 | Caverns, Thijssen
🔘 #21 | 🟨 | 0 | Strip Off, Tactical Neuronics
🔘 #22 | 🟨 | 0 | Star Battle, PG24 Games
🔘 #23 | 🟨 | 0 | Space Bacon, Aegis
🔘 #24 | 🟨 | 0 | Tormentia, Domeshtan Games
🔘 #25 | 🟨 | 0 | RAMvaders, Montgomery
🔘 #26 | 🟨 | 0 | Planetary Wars, Becerra
🔘 #27 | 🟨 | 0 | Steamboat Under Attack, Alfred
🔘 #28 | 🟨 | 0 | Laserman ‘88, Iacovelli
🔘 #29 | 🟨 | 0 | Layza Guns, JH Games
🔘 #30 | 🟨 | 1 | Star A.D., Xan
🔘 #31 | 🟨 | 0 | Space Hunter, Zabitsu
🔘 #32 | 🟨 | 0 | Space Warfare, Askew TV
🔘 #33 | 🟨 | 0 | Fluid City, Babich
🔘 #34 | 🟨 | 0 | Runty’s Revenge, Gee
🔘 #35 | 🟨 | 0 | Stoffe, Axbakk Games
🔘 #36 | 🟨 | 0 | Last Mobile Station Battalion, Sassano
Original First-Person Shooters
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 🟨 | 1 | Star Fire, Rotschkar **
🔰 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Starhawk, Weavil
🔰 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Zarkstars: Stellar, Skyline
🔰 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Flight Simulator, Donnerkuh
🔰 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Bobby Needs Food, Ammann
🔰 #06 | 🟨 | 0 | Silhouette, Kaylor
🔰 #07 | 🟨 | 0 | Laser Keyboard, Jimenez
🔰 #08 | 🟨 | 0 | Delta Force Sniper, Fort Apocalypse
Original First-Person Shooters: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Planet Doom, Retro Lord
🔘 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Talvisota, Donnerkuh
🔘 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Defender of Kyiv, Donnerkuh
🎴 Complete-in-Box Original Shooters
A Roach in Space
Alien Ooze
Allia Quest
Escape From Mars
Mr. Yo-Yo
Orbital War
Robot City
Robot Zed
Seaweed Assault
Space Game
Space Raid
Spiders & Flies
Tober’s Nightmare
Zarkstars I: Space Saga
Zarkstars II: Ground Force
Zarkstars V: Stellar
✴️ Atari Award Notables
Space Game
Zarkstars I: Space Saga
*A Halloween-themed re-sprite of Alien Revenge! by the same developer.
**Inspired by the Star Wars universe.
Third-Person Shooter Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 2 | Super Cobra Arcade, Champ
🔰 #02 | 4 | Juno First, Walton
🔰 #03 | 4 | Draconian, SpiceWare
🔰 #04 | 5 | RobotWar 2684, Champ
🔰 #05 | 2 | Scramble, Champ
🔰 #06 | 6 | Galagon, Champ
🔰 #07 | 3 | Gorf Arcade, Champ
🔰 #08 | 1 | Conquest of Mars, Champ
🔰 #09 | 2 | Space Rocks, SpiceWare
🔰 #10 | 1 | Frantic, SpiceWare
🔰 #11 | 1 | Colony 7, Rotschkar
🔰 #12 | 1 | Minotaur, Montgomery
🔰 #13 | 2 | Medieval Mayhem, SpiceWare
🔰 #14 | 1 | Thrust, Jentzsch
🔰 #15 | 1 | Star Castle, Jentzsch
🔰 #16 | 0 | A New Marauder, More Work
🔰 #17 | 2 | Stratovox, Centeno
🔰 #18 | 1 | The End, Centeno
🔰 #19 | 1 | Zeviouz, Walton
🔰 #20 | 0 | Bomb on Pixel City, Le Guirec
🔰 #21 | 0 | Vault Assault, Prescott
🔰 #22 | 2 | Halo 2600, Fries
🔰 #23 | 0 | Choplifter, Zoltán Games
🔰 #24 | 0 | Balloon, Jab Games
🔰 #25 | 1 | Tron, Orange 808
🔰 #26 | 2 | Space Chaos, Maximus Games
🔰 #27 | 1 | Horizon Shift, Marable
🔰 #28 | 1 | Squareraid, Larson
🔰 #29 | 1 | 1942, Homer & Stubig
🔰 #30 | 1 | Invaders From Andromeda, Cisano
🔰 #31 | 1 | Rainbow Invaders, Mogno
🔰 #32 | 0 | INV+, Mooney & Cavina
🔰 #33 | 1 | Tomahawk 777, Centeno
Third-Person Shooter Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 0 | City Defense, Quinlan
🔘 #02 | 1 | Einväder, Cooper
🔘 #03 | 1 | Space Instigators: Anniversary Edition, Tumber
🔘 #04 | 0 | Space Instigators, Tumber
🔘 #05 | 1 | Stellar Doomsday Interceptor, Payson
First-Person Shooter Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 0 | Mallard Hunt, Retro Lord
🆎 Game Associations
🟦 1942, 1942
🟦 Bomb on Pixel City, Bomb on Pixel City
🟦 Choplifter, Choplifter
🟦 Crack’ed, Crack’ed
🟪 City Defense, Missile Command
🟩 Colony 7, Colony 7
🟪 Combat Deluxe, Combat
🟪 Conquest of Mars, Caverns of Mars
🟪 Defender Arcade, Defender
🟫 Draconian, Bosconian
🟫 Einväder, 1NVADER
🟫 Frantic, Frenzy
🟦 Galagon, Galaga
🟪 Gorf Arcade, Gorf
🟦 Halo 2600, Halo: Combat Evolved
🟦 Horizon Shift, Horizon Shift ‘81
🟪 INV+, Space Invaders
🟪 Invaders from Andromeda, Space Invaders
🟫 Juno First, Juno First
🟦 Mallard Hunt, Duck Hunt
🟪 Medieval Mayhem, Warlords
🟩 Minotaur, Tank Batallion
🟪 A New Marauder, Marauder
🟪 Rainbow Invaders, Space Invaders
🟫 RobotWar 2684, Robotron 2084
🟩 Scramble, Scramble
🟪 Space Chaos, Turmoil
🟪 Space Instigators, Space Invaders
🟪 Space Rocks, Asteroids
🟩 Star Castle, Star Castle
🟪 Stellar Doomsday Interceptor, Missile Command
🟩 Stratovox, Speak and Rescue
🟪 Super Cobra Arcade, Super Cobra
🟪 Thrust, Gravitar
🟩 Tomahawk 777, Tomahawk 777
🟩 Tron, Tron
🟩 Vault Assault, Space Zap
🟦 Zeviouz, Xevious
🎴 Complete-in-Box Shooter Conversions
Colony 7
Conquest of Mars
Defender Arcade
Gorf Arcade
Halo 2600
Juno First
Medieval Mayhem
RobotWar 2684
Space Rocks
Star Castle
Star Castle Arcade
Star Fire
Super Cobra Arcade
The End
✴️ Atari Award Notables
The End
Gorf Arcade
Invaders From Andromeda
RobotWar 2684
Shooters: Versus Multiplayer Games
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
📘 #01 | 🟦 | 0 | FLUT, de Bruin
📘 #02 | 🟫 | 1 | Beyond Parsec, Grocer Games
📘 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Snowball Fight, Carlgren
📘 #04 | 🟨 | 1 | Stripes of Terror, Kluczek, Górski & Żuchowski
📘 #05 | 🟨 | 1 | Laseresal, Wallace
📘 #06 | 🟨 | 0 | Cold War, Weavil
📘 #07 | 🟨 | 0 | Fade Out, Tierney & Tumber
📘 #08 | 🟪 | 0 | Warring Worms 2, Baroque Gaming
📘 #09 | 🟨 | 0 | Fish Fight, Smith
📘 #10 | 🟨 | 0 | Titan Diamonds, Fort Apocalypse
📘 #11 | 🟨 | 0 | Tirotengo, Donsoft Entertainment
🗨️ #01 | 🟪 | 1 | Armor Ambush Reloaded, Steux
🗨️ #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Shoot More Blocks, Gemintronic
🗨️ #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Doom Hockey, Jansen
🗨️ #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Titan Diamonds 2, Fort Apocalypse
🗨️ #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Laserblast, Poirer & Poore
🗨️ #06 | 🟨 | 0 | American Gladiators, Walker, Wilson & Yoshikane
🗨️ #07 | 🟨 | 0 | M.M.S.B.C., Gemintronic
🗨️ #08 | 🟨 | 0 | Defend Your Castle, Schouten
🗨️ #09 | 🟨 | 0 | Cosmic Combat, Pryor
🗨️ #10 | 🟩 | 0 | Incoming!, Larson
🗨️ #11 | 🟨 | 0 | Castle Crusaders, de Vall, Vela & Queen
🗨️ #12 | 🟨 | 0 | Top Gun, Antoine & Salter
🗨️ #13 | 🟨 | 0 | Snake 2, Grayson
🗨️ #14 | 🟨 | 0 | Terminator, Bhavinani & Caldwell
🗨️ #15 | 🟨 | 0 | Final Flight, Grande
Shooters: Cooperative Multiplayer Games
📘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | M.M.S.B.C. II, Gemintronic
🆎 Game Associations
🟪 Armor Ambush Reloaded, Armor Ambush
🟫 Beyond Parsec, Beyond Parsec
🟩 Incoming!, Artillery Duel
🟦 FLUT, Unreal Tournament
🟪 Warring Worms: The Worm Returns, Surround
🎴 Complete-in-Box Multiplayer Shooters
Defend Your Castle
All Simulations
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Astronomer, Pietrow
🔰 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Slot Machine, Quernhorst
🔰 #03 | 🟫 | 0 | Kindercomp, Aegis
🔰 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | The A.I. Project, Gray Games
🔰 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Enigma Machine, VandeWettering
All Simulations: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Guru Meditation, Bogost
🔘 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | HozerQuest: Thrifting Simulator, Snider
🔘 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Pet, Cracknell
🔘 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Fetch, Magic Sky Publishing
🔘 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Stell-a-Sketch, Colbert
🔘 #06 | 🟨 | 0 | Coin Toss, HD Games
🔘 #07 | 🟨 | 0 | High Score Screen Burn Slow Burn, Best
🔘 #08 | 🟨 | 0 | Sisyphus, Israel
🔘 #09 | 🟦 | 0 | Desert Bus, Biel
🔘 #10 | 🟨 | 0 | Multiplication Table, Quimby
🔘 #11 | 🟨 | 0 | Sunday Coffee, Bogost
🔘 #12 | 🟨 | 0 | Random Number Generator, DX Games
🔘 #13 | 🟨 | 0 | Aquarium, Corey
🔘 #14 | 🟨 | 0 | Calm, Mute, Moving, SRT Games
🆎 Game Associations
🟦 Desert Bus, Penn & Teller’s Smoke and Mirrors
🟫 Kindercomp, Kindercomp
🎴 Complete-in-Box Simulations
Desert Bus
The A.I. Project
Sports Game Rankings
Original Sports Games
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 🟨 | 3 | Strike Zone Bowling, Smith
🔰 #02 | 🟨 | 1 | K.O. Cruiser, Cook
🔰 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | 3-Point Dash, Kiki Games
🔰 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | 1-vs-1 Baseball, Smith
🔰 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | 3-Point Dash 2, Kiki Games
🔰 #06 | 🟨 | 0 | Pitch n’ Catch, Serra
🔰 #07 | 🟨 | 2 | Electro Ball, Littau
🔰 #08 | 🟨 | 2 | Bass Fishing Tournament, Quinlan
🔰 #09 | 🟨 | 0 | Pro Tennis, Smith
🔰 #10 | 🟨 | 0 | Back Yard Football, Smith
🔰 #11 | 🟨 | 1 | Cone Ball, Grocer Games
🔰 #12 | 🟨 | 0 | Slime Atari-Ball, Miller & Murray
🔰 #13 | 🟨 | 0 | Waterskier, Fort Apocalypse
🔰 #14 | 🟨 | 0 | Pro Golf, Smith
Original Sports Games: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Bee-Ball, Machado
🔘 #02 | 🟨 | 1 | Soccer, Pinheiro
🔘 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | BLiP Football, Galloway & Montgomery
🔘 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Pole Vault, Aegis
🎴 Complete-in-Box Original Sports Games
Electro Ball
Pro Golf
Sports Game Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 0 | 1-vs-1 Basketball, Smith & Howe
🔰 #02 | 3 | Punch-Out, Mathan Games
🆎 Game Associations
🟦 1-vs-1 Basketball, One-on-One Basketball
🟦 Punch-Out, Punch-Out!!
🎴 Complete-in-Box Sports Game Conversions, Demakes, Ports, and Remakes
1-vs-1 Basketball
Sports Games: Versus Multiplayer Games
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
📘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Hot Box, Smith
📘 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Pickle, Smith
📘 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Keep Away, Tactical Neuronics
📘 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Death Flag, Simoneau
📘 #05 | 🟨 | 1 | ZeroPage Homebrew: The Game, Skyline
🗨️ #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Zong, Retro Lord
🗨️ #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Ball-Crip, Terrance
🗨️ #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Dumb Soccer, St. John
🗨️ #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Quidditch, Gantt & Saeger
🗨️ #05 | 🟨 | 0 | Eliminator, Afficher
Strategy Game Rankings
Original Strategy Games
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🔰 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Caesar, Jab Games
🔰 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Roll Play, Main
Strategy Games: Honorable Mentions
🔘 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Dystopia, Zoltán Games
Strategy Games: Versus Multiplayer Games
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers)
🗨️ #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Armadja, Donsoft Entertainment
Additional Atari 2600 Homebrew Rankings
Multicart Rankings
Multicart Originals
(with number of votes from other video game reviewers, and the Retro ranking of the games on each multicart within each entry)
📕 #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Byte Before Christmas, AtariAge
🥇 Bell Hopper, Hardin
🥇 Christmas Adventure, Holcomb
🥇 Naughty List, Saarna
🥇 Santa’s Scabs, J. Kitchen
📕 #02 | 🟨 | 0 | Piñata, Cybearg
🥇 Flipside
🥈 Heartbreak
🥉 Fix-It Felix Sr.
🥉 Joyride
🥉 Ping
📕 #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Minigame Multicart, Matley, Montgomery, Quimby & Walton
🥇 Zirconium
🥈 Jetman
🥉 NightRider
🥉 Rocket Command
🏅 Hunchy
🏅 M-4
🏅 Marble Jumper
📕 #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Abyss of Chernobyl, Zoltán Games
🥇 Hellgate
🥈 Suicide Squad
🥉 AZ-5
🏅 90 Seconds
🏅 Black Raven
📕 #05 | 🟨 | 0 | DOT, Serra
🥇 Omicron
🥈 Doris
🥉 Tint
🥇 Jitter
🥈 Flow
🥉 Four
🏅 Mantra
Original Multicarts: Honorable Mentions
🗨️ #01 | 🟨 | 0 | Phantom II / Pirate, Weavil
🥇 Pirate
🥈 Phantom II
🗨️ #02 | 🟨 | 0 | SWOOPS!, Jentzsch
🥇 Splatform
🥈 Cave
🥉 Crash n’ Dive
🗨️ #03 | 🟨 | 0 | Going Bananas, Aegis
🥇 Oh Well
🥈 Road Block
🗨️ #04 | 🟨 | 0 | Spaced Out, Aegis
🥇 Star Box
🥈 Humans
🎴 Complete-in-Box Multicarts
Byte Before Christmas
Demos & Utilities
Game Demos: Top Demos
Wen Hop
Ninja Kombat
Homestar Runner
The Children of Hurin
🌀 #01 | 0 | Wen Hop, Davie
🌀 #02 | 1 | Button, Carlsson
🌀 #03 | 0 | Ninja Kombat, Fresh Brood
🌀 #04 | 0 | Zeta, Maus Games
🌀 #05 | 0 | Homestar Runner, Slocum
🌀 #06 | 0 | The Children of Hurin, Stermer
🌀 #07 | 0 | Allone Works Game, Nery
🌀 #08 | 0 | Street Fighter 2, Caraway
🌀 #09 | 0 | Squid Games, Grocer Games
🌀 #10 | 0 | Mario Bros., Dintar
🌀 #11 | 0 | Billy the Ball, Aegis
🌀 #12 | 0 | Heroquest, Mundschau
🌀 #13 | 0 | Trash, Wizard Bone Games
🌀 #14 | 0 | Temple of the False Gods, Ultima
🌀 #15 | 0 | Armageddon Complex, J. Kitchen
🌀 #16 | 2 | Mega Man 2600, Galloway
🌀 #17 | 0 | Nyan Cat, Knol
🌀 #18 | 0 | Quest, Larkin
🌀 #19 | 0 | Shadow Keep, Towers
🌀 #20 | 1 | Lord of Biscay, Johannes
🌀 #21 | 0 | VS, Trigg
🌀 #22 | 0 | Air Taxi, Aran
🌀 #23 | 0 | SeaQuential, Lewis
🌀 #24 | 0 | Leprechaun, Ball *
🌀 #25 | 0 | Lawn Boy, Grocer Games
🌀 #26 | 0 | Whale Dive, Vilcans
🌀 #27 | 0 | Slaughterhouse, Bittinger
🌀 #28 | 0 | Forest Moon Attack, Grocer Games
*Leprechaun was developed alongside a level editor that distinguishes it from most other Atari 2600 games.
Game Demos: Honorable Mentions
🗨️ #01 | 0 | LEM, Rastignac
🗨️ #02 | 0 | Droid, Schweinsberg
🗨️ #03 | 0 | Full Bottle, GFVH
🗨️ #04 | 0 | Matario, Risch
🗨️ #05 | 0 | Pac-Man Eat n’ Run, Lewis
🗨️ #06 | 0 | Save Yourself, Maus Games
🗨️ #07 | 0 | Battle for Proton, Gilmour
🗨️ #08 | 0 | The Swimmer, Alfred
🗨️ #09 | 0 | Robot Finds Kitten, Penner
🗨️ #10 | 0 | Goonboat, Main
🗨️ #11 | 0 | Ball, Aegis
🗨️ #12 | 0 | Aborigines’ Revenge, Goodson
🗨️ #13 | 0 | Congo Bongo, Blackman
🗨️ #14 | 0 | SpaceKnight, DazeWare
🗨️ #15 | 0 | Sdioretsa, Yanetti
🗨️ #16 | 0 | Monaco GP, Bont
🗨️ #17 | 0 | The Bee!, Alfred
🗨️ #18 | 0 | Mr. E. Magin, Aegis
🗨️ #19 | 0 | Silly Road, Sigma
Tech Demos: Top Demos
🌀 #01 | 0 | Doctor, Trilobit
🌀 #02 | 0 | Liquid Candy, Noice
🌀 #03 | 0 | Hard, Wamma
🌀 #04 | 0 | Sphaera Stellarum, Noice
🌀 #05 | 0 | Ballblazer, Pater
🌀 #06 | 0 | Graz, Quernhorst
🌀 #07 | 0 | Lasertime, Wamma
🌀 #08 | 0 | Dancing Baby, Davie
🌀 #09 | 0 | Thargon, Jentzsch
🌀 #10 | 0 | Stella a Trois, Flush
🌀 #11 | 0 | Eurocon, Quernhorst
🌀 #12 | 0 | Alpha Cucks, Dentifrice
🌀 #13 | 0 | M, Flush
🌀 #14 | 0 | Dengue Fever, DSSF
🌀 #15 | 1 | Hard 2632, Imp & Svolli
🌀 #16 | 0 | Three Minus, Altair
🌀 #17 | 0 | Compofiller, Goblinish
Tech Demos: Honorable Mentions
🗨️ #01 | 0 | Titanic, Woloch
🗨️ #02 | 0 | Space Invaders Impressionistic Dance, Babich
🗨️ #03 | 0 | Boing, Kudla
🗨️ #04 | 0 | Acid Rain, Jeremiah
🗨️ #05 | 0 | LEDA, Ponlork Games
🗨️ #06 | 0 | Mushroom Adventure, Satori
🗨️ #07 | 0 | Lapin Kulta, Dentrifice
🗨️ #08 | 0 | Abadia del Crimen, GFVH
🗨️ #09 | 0 | Ohio Jay and the Last Supper Goblet, GFVH
🗨️ #10 | 0 | Laundry Hero 2, GFVH
🗨️ #11 | 0 | Laundry Hero, GFVH
🔆 #01 | 0 | PlusCart, Stubig
🔆 #02 | 0 | UnoCart, Edwards
🔆 #03 | 0 | Synthcart, Slocum
🔆 #04 | 0 | Software Speech Synthesizer, Rossum
🔆 #05 | 0 | Sound X, Federmeyer
🔆 #06 | 0 | Color Mixer, Machado
🔆 #07 | 0 | Tone Toy 2, Maximus Games
🔆 #08 | 0 | Science Calculator, Alvema
🔆 #09 | 0 | Sound Tool, Rollins
🔆 #10 | 0 | Tone Toy 3, Hahn
🔆 #11 | 0 | Calculator, Quimby
🔆 #12 | 0 | Colors Selector, Stolberg
🔆 #13 | 0 | Color Tweaker, Watson
🔆 #14 | 0 | Tone Toy 1, Hahn
🔆 #15 | 0 | Timer, Rideout
🔆 #16 | 0 | Atari TOS, Quinlan
🔆 #17 | 1 | Studio 2600, Landsteiner
🔆 #18 | 0 | Testcart, Slocum
🔆 #19 | 0 | Moviecart, Lodefmode
Utilities: Honorable Mentions
🗨️ #01 | 0 | Atari OS Original, DX Games
🗨️ #02 | 0 | StickyNotes, Harvey
🗨️ #03 | 0 | Red Box, Tomlin
🗨️ #04 | 0 | Blue Screen of Death, Rideout
Top Atari 2600 Homebrew Developers
Top 40 Development Studios
See full report.
Top 40 Solo Developers
See full report.
Forthcoming Games and Assessments
{bolded and hyperlinked homebrews have entered the first stage of review}
Selected Forthcoming Games (249)
1-Line, Aegis — Puzzle (Polarium demake)
4-mula, Aegis — Shooter
8 Tanks, Fort Apocalypse — Idle, Online & Quadtari (Tank 8 conversion)
1945, Donnerkuh — Shooter (FPS)
A Very 2600 Christmas, Larson — Music
Aaron the Aant, Aegis — Arcade
Alice in Wonderland, Slithy Games — Adventure
Alien Greed 3, Aegis — Arcade
Alien Greed 6, Aegis — Platformer 🎴
Alien Radio: Juniper, Serra — Tech Demo
Amaze, Author Unknown Games — Endless Runner
The Angry Video Game Nerd, Cook — Shooter
Animal Dentist, Kluczek — Arcade
Another Adventure, Bradbury & Howe — Adventure
Apple, Dev God Games — Adventure
AtariVox+, Hutchinson — Utility
Attack of the Timelord, Nunez — Shooter (port) 🎴
Avoid and Shoot (from OS2600), Maximus Games — Arcade
Aztec Labyrinth, Alfred — Adventure (demo)
Balloon Protest, Iron Badger Media — Arcade
Batari Street, Aegis — Racing
Battle-Zuma, Game Select — Shooter
BBB, Stupid Bunny Games — Endless Runner
Berzerk Blitz, Too Slow Games — Shooter (multiplayer demo)
Binary Arithmetic, Nelson — Arcade
Binary Counter, Johnson — Tech Demo
Bitcoin Coaster, Gremillion — Platformer (demo)
Blipsketball, Domeshtan Games — Sports
Block Avoider, Aegis — Arcade
BoredQuest, Pryor — Adventure
Brickout, Aegis — Arcade (demo)
Brix, Aegis — Puzzle
Bruce Lee, Blackman — Platformer (demo)
Bubsy, Dr. Clu Games — Platformer (port)
C.A.V.E. Apocalypse, Stubig — Idle, Online & Quadtari *
Cannon, Author Unknown Games — Sim
Castle of the Cryptid, Buckaroo Games — Platformer (demo)
Catch the Ball!, Kayama & Rosier — Endless Runner
Cave Race, Carter & Chang — Arcade (demo)
Chien Andalou, Mika — Arcade (demo)
Chillin’ Out, Norman — Demo
Choplifter, Nunez — Adventure
Chuck Heads, Main — Fighting
Cityscape, Babich — Shooter
Color Mixtures, Rideout — Tech Demo
Computerdesigned Attack Cruiser, Donnerkuh — Tech Demo
Crash n’ Dive, Jentzsch — Endless Runner
Dance, Hahn — Tech Demo
Dead Tunnel Needed, SvOlli — Tech Demo
Demons, Retro Lord Games — Music
Desando Joe, Hodges — Shooter (demo)
Dessert Disaster, Kidirata Games — Arcade (Food Fight demake)
Diamond Craze, Gutiérrez — Arcade
Digital Photo Album, Gray Games — Art & Music
Digits, Domeshtan Games — Puzzle
Doctor Sopkie, Dieter — Arcade
Dodge Ball, Junkosoft (Charles Wieland) — Sports (demo)
Don’t Go, Parada — Arcade
Dracuvania, Alfred — Action-Adventure (demo)
Drip, Fries — Tech Demo
Drop Ball Roulette, Jab Games — Puzzle
Drunken Pooper, Gemintronic — Arcade (conversion)
Duck and Cover, Siddikinz Games — Arcade
Ducky 22, Siddall — Shooter
Easter Egg, Aegis — Endless Runner
Egg Drop, Podoboo Games — Arcade
E.T.’s Revenge, Gandhi & Dominique — Shooter
EggVenture, Scumsoft (Jurell Silks) — Adventure
Elf Dash, Mundschau — Arcade
Elite, Davie — Shooter [FPS] (demo)
Family Guy, Cook — Music
Fishies, Montgomery — Arcade
Flesh Gordon, Setnicky — Endless Runner 🅰️
Flicker Picker, Saarna — Utility
Fortitude, Tumber — Arcade
Fright Zone Bowling, Mosley — Sports (variant)
Frog Wars, Shrimp Noodles Games — Fighting
Frogger, Blackman — Arcade (remake)
Frogger, Rotschkar — Music
Game Catcher, O’Neil — Endless Runner
Gate Racer II, Maximus Games — Racing
Gecko, Cory Games — Arcade
Gene Medic, Moore — Sim
Ghostbusters, Cook — Music
Give Me My Pancake!, Schouten — Arcade
Gnufu Quest, Gorbsky — Shooter (demo)
Goon Nights, Main — Shooter (FPS)
Goosed!, Grocer Games — Arcade (demo)
Gorilla Force, Scolaro & Davidson — Shooter (demo)
Grandma’s Revenge, Quimby — Arcade
Gravity Hero, Nintenjo Games — Action-Adventure (demo)
Gruniożerca, Knursoft — Arcade
Gunfight, Blitzer — Shooter (FPS)
Hiroshima Defence, Unknown Author Games — Shooter
Horsey Ride, Hahn — Tech Demo
Image Series I, Davie — Tech Demo
Invitro, Tjoppen & Husak — Tech Demo
Junglmaze, Ronne — Action-Adventure
Jupiter Wars, Geek Basic Games — Shooter
KAKE!, Unknown Games — Arcade
Katamari, Rabbit Games (🇸🇪) — Arcade (Katamari Damacy demake)
Kheops, Fernandes — Adventure (port)
Kick Ice, Marli — Fighting (demo)
Kitten Katch, Mariella — Endless Runner
Knabber Rob, NEO Games — Adventure
Knight Guy: Castle Days, VHZC — Action-Adventure **
Kongol’s Struggle, Yoyatime Games — Arcade
Kung Fu Combat Redux, Smith — Fighting
Ladder Game, Zimmermann — Arcade
Last Crusade, GFVH Games — Adventure (demo)
Lazy Jones, Rotschkar — Music
The Legend of Dungeon, Major Havoc Games — Action-Adventure (demo)
Life (in Space), Davie — Sim (demake of John Conway’s Life)
Lights Out!, Aegis — Puzzle (port)
Lights Out!, Bumbershoot Software — Puzzle (port)
Liola, Jab Games — Puzzle
LoopCart, Slocum — Utility
Lost Dunjonquest Apshai, Gibson — Action-Adventure (port)
The Lost Kingdom, Gutiérrez — Adventure
Lottery (Sorteio), Duarte do Nascimiento — Sim
Low Res Racer, VHZC — Racing
Manatee Madness, Grocer Games — Arcade
Marilyn Monroe, Unknown Author Games — Tech Demo
Mausball, Risch — Arcade (demo)
Metal Max, Master Programmer Games — Action-Adventure
Metal Max 2, Master Programmer Games — Action-Adventure
Mike, Aegis — Platformer (demo)
Mortal Kombat: Netherrealm Journey, Punk Rock Geek Games — Platformer
Murderer Behind the Door, Chosen Few Software — Adventure
My Knee Hurts, Aegis — Arcade (demo)
Octopusher, Scolaro — Puzzle
One Button Bob, Aegis — Endless Runner
OS2600, Maximus Games — Multicart
Avoid and Shoot
Shoot Don’t Shoot
Pabling’s Glitch Adventure, Super Sky Phoenix Games — Arcade
Pac-Man Eat n’ Run, Lewis — Arcade (remake)
Peruvian Dental Floss, Aegis — Rhythm
The Pixelated Man in Blue, Lim & Knost — Shooter (multiplayer)
Pig, Cropsy — Card & Table (0.8 version only)
Pilot X, Angelsoft — Endless Runner (port)
Plane, Gonzalo — Tech Demo
Planet of the Grapes, Mikey S. Games — Shooter
Plotcube, Tjoppen — Tech Demo
Point Procurer, Best — Idle, Online & Quadtari *
Police Car, Kiki Games — Racing (demo)
Pressure Gauge II, Harvey — Idle, Online & Quadtari ***
Pro Football 1770, Retro Lord Games — Sports
Push, Davie — Puzzle
Quackman vs. Growl, Carroll & Courson — Shooter (multiplayer)
QuadGames, Tolbert — Multicart
Quad Bombs, Tolbert — Idle, Online & Quadtari *
Quad Combat, Tolbert — Idle, Online & Quadtari *
Quad Joust, Tolbert — Idle, Online & Quadtari *
Quad Racing, Tolbert — Idle, Online & Quadtari *
Quad Surround, Tolbert — Idle, Online & Quadtari *
Quest of the Cranberry, Aegis — Adventure
Quiztari, Grocer Games — Utility
R.P.S., Baroque Gaming — Idle, Online & Quadtari *
Raindrops, Garrison — Idle, Online & Quadtari *
Rally-X, Fries — Racing (remake)
Ram Combat, Skrbina — Shooter
Ram Defender, Montgomery — Shooter
Ram Helicopter, Skrbina — Endless Runner
Ram Pong, Jentzsch — Arcade
Ram Sliding Puzzle, Matley — Puzzle
Ram Tic-Tac-Toe, Matley — Puzzle
Random Noise Generator, Aegis — Utility
The Reflex, Rotschkar — Music
Retro Game Quest, Gemintronic — Adventure
Retro Racing, Domeshtan Games — Racing
Rev Gunner, Cory Games — Shooter (demo)
River Strike, Nintenjo Games — Shooter (demo)
Robin’s Roundabouts, Iron Badger Media — Arcade
Robot Tag, Garrison — Fighting (multiplayer)
Robot-X, Goofy Blocks Games — Fighting
Ronin, Hunter — Fighting
Sanxion 2, Rotschkar — Music
Save the Dinos, Garrison — Shooter
Save Gaia, Brown — RPG (demo)
Scroller, Colbert — Tech Demo
Seaquest II, Nunez — Shooter (demo)
In Search of Treasures (Em Busca dos Tesouros), Bitnamic Software — Platformer
Secret Collect, Videlectrix — Arcade
The Sentinel, Davie — Shooter [FPS] (demo)
The Shaman, Zumwalt — Shooter (hackbrew) *
Shoot Don’t Shoot (from OS2600), Maximus Games — Shooter (FPS)
Shooter, Dodgson — Shooter (multiplayer demo)
Shooter, ORart Games (Oscarin Valdez) — Shooter
Skullstar, JH Games — Shooter
Slalom, Aegis — Sports
A Slow Year, Bogost — Multicart (Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
Smarten Up (Ascurrete), Gonzalez-Morris — Puzzle
Smash Hit!!!, Lost Classics — Arcade 🎴
Smile Maze Escape, Olioni Games — Adventure
Snake Fiasco, Fort Apocalypse Games — Arcade
Snatcher, Podoboo Games — Arcade
The Sound Machine, Rotschkar — Multicart
Lazy Jones
The Reflex
Sanxion 2
Sound System Demo, Richi — Tech Demo
Space, Framke — Shooter
Space Cowboys, Alberghini — Shooter (multiplayer)
Space Debris, Garrison — Idle, Online & Quadtari *
Spear Diver, Curry — Arcade 🎴
Spellbound, Rotschkar — Music
Spider, Fernandes — Shooter
Stack Jump, Fernandes — Platformer
The Stacks, Mika & Wilson — Adventure
Starship, Rotschkar — Tech Demo
Stella’s Stocking, Various — Multicart
Cold War
Elf Dash
Grandma’s Revenge
Stay Frosty
Tossing Cookies
Stranger Things, Skyline — Shooter (demo)
Sudoku, Jentzsch — Card & Table (demo)
Sunset Drive, Zumwalt — Adventure
Swordsman, Donnerkuh Games — Action-Adventure
Tanks, Fort Apocalypse Games — Shooter (multiplayer)
Tanq 2 Tanq, Antunes — Shooter (multiplayer)
Tap-a-Mole, Quohog Games — Arcade
Tazer the Fish!, Harvey — Tech Demo
Terra 7, Cisano — Shooter
Theremin, Huff — Art & Music
Thought Police, Lipe — Racing (demo)
Timmy!, SpiceWare — Arcade (demo)
Tinkernut World Deluxe, Hahn — Tech Demo
Tossing Cookies, Aegis — Arcade
Tossing Cookies 2, Aegis — Arcade
Travi, Aegis — Endless Runner
Treasure Hunt, Author Unknown Games — Arcade
Tree Hugger, Baroque Gaming — Arcade (demo)
Trenches of War, Donnerkuh — Shooter
Tricade, Trilobit — Tech Demo
Tron, JBS Games — Action-Adventure
Tumblers, Pauley — Puzzle
Turbo Kid, Nintenjo Games — Shooter (demo)
Tutankham Arcade, Champ — Action-Adventure
Twinner, Giegerich — Tech Demo
Under the Castle, Winterlight Games — Action-Adventure (demo)
Uppa Creek!, Gemintronic Games — Endless Runner
Vertical Shooter, Mord — Shooter (demo)
Video Poker, Aegis — Card & Table (demo)
Video Time Machine, Cracknell — Utility
Voodoo, Bongomeno — Adventure (demo)
The Watchtower, Punk Rock Geek Games — Shooter
We Will Rock You, Aegis — Music
Whack-a-Mole, Aftermac Games — Arcade
Witch’s Tower, Garrison — Idle, Online & Quadtari (demo) *
The Wizard of the Tower, Game Select — Platformer 🎴
Worm Whomper, Rotschkar — Arcade (port demo)
Wushu Masters, Scolaro & Davidson — Fighting (demo)
Xump, Retroguru — Puzzle
Zaxxon, Joe Musashi — Shooter (demo)
Zoltrix, Vila Games — Puzzle (demake)
Zoombie Attack, Nunez — Shooter (demo)
Zzyzzyxx, Aegis — Endless Runner (multiplayer demo)
*Originally built on Demon Attack code, but confirmed to not be a hack of that game.
Additional Forthcoming Games (25)
Selected Originals
Alien Greed 4
AtariVox Spell-and-Speak
Bounce & Catch
Flip It
Internet Combat
Jatai the Bee
Modern Battle
Pong Wars
Press Fire
River Run
Shoot S#!t 🎴
SoundX / Dazzle Demo
Star Crusade
X vs. O
Selected Conversions, Demakes, Ports & Remakes
Panel de Pon
Primate Plunge
Prince of Persia
Selected Solo Devs and Development Studios
Vila Games, Eduardo Vilarinho (🇧🇷) ^
*A new category to be added in Volume 2 of the Top 500 Atari 2600 Homebrews. The homebrew High Score Screen Burn Slow Burn, also by B.J. Best, will be reassigned to this exciting and innovative category along with Best’s game Points Procurer and Wolfgang Stubig’s C.A.V.E. Apocalypse, the latter of which offers online play that’s made possible by Stubig’s amazing PlusCart. Vroom!, Pac-Line 8, Chaser, and Medieval Mayhem will also be moved to this new category, as they’re all optimized for four-or-more gaming.
**This project was not completed due to the unavoidable loss of its source code. But what is already public remains well worthy of play, and deserves to be honored here.
***Can be played by four players without a Quadtari.
Additional Sources
(1) Awards List: Report.
(2) Source List (13): The Atari Homebrew Awards (2004, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023); Captain Jack (2, 3, 4, 5); Greg’s Game Room (2, 3); Jim Petsas; John Hancock; Matt Matei; The New Retro Show (unindexed); No Swear Gamer; Retro; Retro Bliss Gaming; Retromania; T-Rex Space Station; Video Game Critic (“A”-range rankings only).